The resistance makes it difficult for Israel and the West – PRIN Newspaper 2024-03-12 18:40:59

by time news
George Pavlopoulos

The heroic Palestinian people remain standing

“Fissures” are growing and deepening in the ranks of Israel’s government and political leadership, as many realize that the country is threatened with strategic defeat even if it prevails militarily in Gaza — which is also proving difficult. The attitude of the USA is “key”, where Biden and the Democrats are anxious ahead of the presidential election

The clouds are thickening over the government of the murderous state of Israel, with several international media now talking about “cracks” in its ranks, which in fact are multiplying and deepening all the time. The visit made to Washington by the member of the war council, Benny Gantz, came to confirm the truth of the statement. After all, despite the fact that he had not informed Netanyahu and his colleagues, who condemned him and warned him that he was not authorized to talk to the Americans, he had meetings with almost the entire US leadership — except for Biden himself , to keep the “types”. Indeed, Gantz was received by Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, as well as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and other officials.
But it is not only that. At the same time, Olaf Solz, the chancellor of the country that has supported Israel the least in Europe, chose to publicly condemn the continuation of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, adopting the proposal to impose sanctions against Jewish settlers, while strongly criticizing the continued operations in Gaza. Where, despite its threats, Israel has yet to launch the announced attack on Rafah, even though it has not stopped the murderous bombardment for a minute.
As for the long-running negotiations aimed at a new ceasefire, much longer than the previous one, Netanyahu is still unable to enforce his terms. This is also why it is considered uncertain whether an agreement will be reached before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins on Sunday, March 10 — even though voices inside Israel are constantly growing calling for an agreement with Hamas and truce here and now, combined with the resignation of the government, so as to save the hostages and prisoners who remain alive.

All of the above is, of course, not accidental. It is the result of the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people and almost all of their political and armed organizations against the occupiers and invaders, who have been dealt heavy blows — far greater than what the Israeli government and military officially admit. It is the result of the rivers of blood that Palestinians have shed and continue to shed daily, a heavy price for their determination to continue the struggle for their rights and their refusal to bow their heads and submit to a war machine that seemed terrifying and invincible. , having the support of almost the whole of the West.
After all, this is precisely the reason that leads the leaders of the largest Palestinian organizations to temporarily put aside their – very important and strategic – differences, promoting unity against the common enemy. The fact that the organizations designated by the US, the EU and other countries as terrorists are not excluded from the negotiations sends a clear message in all directions and reflects the real moods of the majority of the Palestinian people — in Gaza, the West Bank, neighboring countries and around the world.
Against this background, Netanyahu and his far-right allies feel increasingly uncertain and anxious about the day ahead. Something similar applies to Ganj and the other “moderate” members of the current government, as well as the opposition. All those, that is, who cannot be characterized as only “doves of peace”, based on their attitude and positions to date. However, they are justifiably concerned that Israel will suffer a strategic defeat in this war, even if it militarily crushes Hamas and captures the entire Gaza Strip, forcing them to seek alternatives and a way out while there is still time.
Undoubtedly, however, much will also be judged by the developments in the USA, where as the November 5 presidential elections approach, the more indications that Biden and the Democrats are threatened with defeat also due to the attitude towards the Palestinian issue. The reason is simple: While for Trump and the vast majority of Republicans there seem to be no inhibitions about unconditional support for Israel, as their line is clear, in the current president’s camp the situation is more complicated and the contradictions multiply .

The endurance of the Palestinians will be judged by the duration, depth and massiveness of international solidarity in their struggle

The “white abstention” of many Democratic voters from the primary elections in a number of states is another indication of the discomfort that prevails and is intensifying in a part of the base and especially in the younger ages, where the percentage of those who disagree with the support of Israel. At the same time, the “left” wing of the party is increasingly making its presence felt, with interventions demanding that the White House impose on Israel and Netanyahu an agreement with the Palestinians in order to stop the slaughter.

As it becomes clear, then, the case of the Palestinians is at a critical juncture. What will happen after the end of this phase will largely be determined by the turn that developments will take and, above all, by whether the resistance will remain alive and able to fight, strike and impose conditions war’s. The West mainly defends its own interests. Their supposed allies, from the Arab regimes to Turkey and Iran, are in no mood to declare war on Israel. The international solidarity of the peoples is their only hope.

Published in the newspaper Before (9.3.24)

2024-03-12 18:40:59

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