The response to SKAI’s announcement

by time news

The feud between Radio Arvyla and SKAI continues. The response of the show’s team to the TV station’s announcement.

With announcements from both sides, the feud between False rumor and to SKAIwith the show’s team proceeding to post on Facebook, following the broadcaster’s response to what unfolded in the previous hours.

It is recalled that the sharp comment of Antonis Kanakis on Monday night (19/02), that “SKAI may not be doing well with the essence of Justice, but I can guarantee you that he does very well with the operation of Justice»brought the channel’s response on Tuesday morning (20/02), which emphasized how «justice in Greece does not give away 2.5 million euros if you have not worked for it just because your name is Antonis Kanakis and you think that everything should work in your favor”.

Antonis Kanakis’ comment, made in the context of a more general outburst, came just a few days later the court decision that vindicated the Faliros channel against the presenter and the company Tony Productions.

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The post – response of Radio Arvyla

On Tuesday afternoon (20/02), Radio Arvyla issued a statement – a response to the television station, via the show’s Facebook account, where they wrote:

«“Those who are most disturbed by satire are those who are guilty of what the satire imputes to them.”

Today, SKAI decided that it had to issue a “reply” statement to everything that was said yesterday on Radio Arvyla regarding the satirical song by Panos Vlachos.

We thank him, since his announcement confirmed with impressive accuracy all our words:

  • They did not answer anything of substance, neither about freedom of speech, nor about the specific journalists who have betrayed the most basic journalistic principles, nor about propaganda and how they artfully distort the truth, nor about the use of distortion and legal threats as means of controlling opposing views.
  • Nowhere in their statement was it stated that the judiciary is independent and must function independently.
  • And finally, following the propaganda methods, in which they are admittedly experts, they arbitrarily moved the issue to something completely but completely unrelated, specifically to the legal dispute between our company and SKAI, which was decided in their favor at first instance and only, so far.

At the same time, of course, they try to create impressions and provoke the public feeling, “throwing” sums that we claim even though we did not work on them, while the truth is that our demand concerns production costs and damages that, in our view, the illegal termination of the then contracts from their side, they invited us to our company.

And in fact (here we laugh), they also use in their announcement the hard-working people who fight every day for their dignified living and for whom, as is known, SKAI particularly cares.

The quintessence of populism.

So again thanks for the announcement and please don’t stop because every time you speak you make our job easier.”

The placement of Antonis Kanakis on Monday

On Monday evening (19/2) and on the occasion of the issue that arose last week between Panos Vlachos and Aris Portosalte, Antonis Kanakis returned to the issue by commenting:

“There is a rule in satire that those who are most annoyed are those who are guilty of everything the satire imputes to them. In the past, when politics and journalistic power accepted the arrows of satire, they never entered the dialogue process. They at least had the superiority and majesty to accept it. Today this is not the case, not only because the people involved are “small” but also because they have the authoritarian element of enforcement, who want to control everything [..]

Nowhere else in the world would this be an issue [..] If you look at what has been said through music globally for politics or for social reasons… cultural references are made, these works are awarded. Mbut only in our own small town and whatever environment we can discuss such things. [..]

Now see how something becomes matter from non-being. First we have him who is disturbed by satire, a good disciple of Goebbels, he knows what he will do: he distorts the whole truth. They arbitrarily dub it “incitement to violence” when none of us have drawn that parallel, and then feed that arbitrary conclusion to their own in the media.

And then the journalists take it and we have the “should he have incited violence?”. “Leave it to us my doll” here sticks. Because Portosalte told you? Step 2: these then do the work, so these questions begin, discussion takes place.

And watch out: journalists who should be extremely sensitive to issues of freedom of speech, in the rest of the countries they fight and lose their lives for freedom of speech. And of course we are not talking about all journalists. It’s an obvious clarification, but it’s good to make it [..]

And third stage, of course, Justice: we must prohibit these things, they must be punished.

And SKY may not be doing well with the substance of Justice, but I can guarantee you that it is doing very well with the operation of Justice. And there these people can certainly be vindicated. It’s really shameful these things are happening”, said, among others, Antonis Kanakis.

See the disputed passage from 40:52:

SKAI’s response to Antonis Kanakis on Tuesday

On Tuesday morning (20/02) SKAI issued a statement, responding to Antonis Kanakis. “We are sorry Mr. Kanakis as we know how justice works and we made you sad. You can continue to spew bile” states, among other things, the sharp announcement.

The entire SKAI announcement:

“Mr. A. Kanakis, as he states, does not know “the workings of justice” well, at least as well as SKAI does. In other words, he does not know that the justice system in Greece does not award 2.5 million euros if you have not worked for it just because your name is Antonis Kanakis and you think that everything should work in your favor.

Money which people, to whom he addresses every day with populist fanfare and supposedly aware of the difficulties they are going through, will never see even if they work from morning to night. We are sorry Mr Kanakis we know how justice works and we upset you. You can continue to make bile. Goodbye and with your health”.

The litigation between them since 2020

It is recalled that a few days ago, the Multi-Member Court of First Instance of Athens deemed legal the termination of the contract by SKAI with Antonis Kanakis and the company TONY PRODUCTIONS, in January 2020. The presenter and the company had appealed to the Court, demanding that the termination of the contract be declared invalid and that they be paid compensation of 2,232,927 euros to the company and 250,000 euros to Antonis Kanakis personally.

The court rejected the claims of the presenter and the company, deeming the termination of the contract legal, accepting that both Mr. Kanakis and TONY PRODUCTIONS breached their contractual obligations as they refused to produce and broadcast the “Radio Arvyla” and “Vinyl” broadcasts.

Alongside, the court leaves open the possibility for SKAI to claim back an amount of more than 250,000 euros by the defendants he paid for shows they never delivered. In addition, the court obliges Antonis Kanakis and the company to pay court costs of 15,298 euros.

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