The restaurant seeks staff and opens up to fluidity: “Men, women or non-binary”

by time news

noon, December 16, 2021 – 07:41

Massimiliano Neri, owner of Kukai: “We wanted to give a signal”

from Anna Paola Merone

“We are looking for young people of both sexes and / or non-binary, reliable, cheerful, cheerful and smiling …”. A small-sized window sticker, an announcement with an explosive force. In via Chiaia comes Kukai, which has been offering Japanese cuisine for twenty years in Naples, and with a single word marks a new cultural revolution. Because true revolutions often go through food, which here helps move the bar higher. «We wanted to give a signal and I think we have succeeded. Twenty years ago we too, as a category, were looked at badly. Today we are recognized and, in the name of those difficult moments for gays, we must spend ourselves so that we do not discriminate against anyone »says Massimiliano Neri, patron of Kukai who moves with delicate determination on slippery ground.

The announcement

The answers that came to the announcement are few, “but all valid. When I previously posted ads to search for people on large platforms, 99 percent of a thousand responses were not useful. Now on the basis of a few dozen hits I am spoiled for choice. And I noticed – he adds – that everyone appreciated the tone of the announcement. And not for personal reasons. Girls who are mothers or those with a partner or others whose private life I do not know will join the staff. But what matters is to act without discrimination. Entrepreneurs have a great responsibility, they can play an important role in a country that has difficulty in dealing with the Zan Bill, so that all the diversities, the profiles of each one can be accepted. Accepted in everyday life, in the world of work. Not as freak phenomena or protagonists of provocative events. People are worth what they are: a waiter must have characteristics that have nothing to do with his gender ».

Japanese cuisine

In the background, the choice to continue investing in a difficult moment. «Quality pays. And the professionalism pays. Right now, after the tragedy that killed a boy’s life, there is a risk of demonization of Japanese cuisine – he says -. But that what happened probably refers to an offer of menus at costs that could not be sustainable with quality raw materials and personnel trained to work without risk ”

December 16, 2021 | 07:41

© Time.News

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