2024-04-29 08:27:56
The decision on the final results of the applications for the participants in the re-announcement 170/17-01-2024 for the granting of 58 new outdoor street trade licenses with the corresponding right to operate in the Region of Epirus to producers and sellers and nine rights to operate in the Region of Epirus to existing license holders was announced outdoor street vendor producer of other Regions.
The decision on the final results of the applications for the participants of the re-announcement 225/22-01-2024 for the granting of new professional sales licenses (50 places) with the right to operate itinerantly in the Region of Epirus, as well as for the granting of additional operating rights to existing license holders, was also announced professional seller of other Regions, according to Law 4849/2021 (1 position).
Those interested can be updated in the Integrated Information System “Open Market” (OPSAA), at the electronic address: of the General Directorate of Digital Policy and Electronic Governance of the Ministry of Development. The announcement has been posted on the website of the Region of Epirus www.php.gov.gr.