The results of the protests: less than 10% of the demonstrators took to the streets – 2024-07-30 15:13:42

by times news cr

2024-07-30 15:13:42

Las marches of the trade union centers are no longer what they used to be. In the 88 years y 90 were multitudinous and rejected the rise of the fuels and the alto cost of the life.

Three decades Then, the screams, the banderaslos leadersThe forms of protest They are the same, but there is something different: they no longer call.

The last mobilization which called the United Workers Front, FUT, which brings together seven trade union centers, and the Popular Front, which includes 11, demonstrated that the unionism is no longer a cause.

Between both organizations They say they represent about 400,000 public workers y private. At the demonstrations in Quito There was no more than 2 000 personas. In each of the other cities they did not arrive 100 and the invitation to demonstrate was made weeks in advance.

According to the political scientist Sofia Guerrerounionism faces five problems: It does not generate proposals, does not collect the ideas of its members and does not represent them.

“What we can say is that they have not only lost strength, but they have lost credibility.”

It is disconnected with the contemporary problems and they do not have internal democracy.

«I wonder what they have achieved at the national level. They are rather considered backward organizations, towns as they are currently called, because they do not represent a greater type or generation of ideas.»

For Peter Donosoalso a political scientist, people do not see the usefulness in the trade union centers. To the guilds It is hard for them resignificarse and leave speeches from ago 40 years.

“They have marched from the Caja del Seguro to Carondelet and have always done the same, regardless of the context.”

The leadership has, according to him, a discourse monothematic on employment stability and is not updated. It also does not generate information that could be capitalized on with its unions to lead national debates About topics laborbut without dogmas.

He FUT during 51 years and the Popular Front during 37 marchers all the years through the same streets, demanding the same thing, with the same banderas and sometimes with the same slogans and led in some cases by the same. But the new generations They don’t see them because they have other things needs.

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