the return of counterfeit Chronopost parcels

by time news
A total of 359,900 victims were recorded in 2019, an increase of 6% over the period 2012-2019. Freedomz /

Common practice among scammers, this scourge continues to wreak havoc on victims, who can lose several thousand euros.

They are back and are hurting the wallet. Scammers are not lacking in imagination to take advantage of consumers. This time, it’s Chronopost’s turn to suffer abuse from these identity thieves. The operating mode is very classic but effective by a first connection by phone, email or SMS. A notification then informs you that “vyour package is currently blocked, please click on the following link to resolve the situation» and offers you to solve the problem by going to a fraudulent site, aimed at sucking up your personal data. If the practice consists mainly of recovering personal information, the damage can reach several thousand euros for the most unlucky.

Reported by Signal Arnaque, a community site against internet scams, parcel delivery is the favorite target of usurpers in the context of phishing campaigns and telephone scams. She warns in particular about the imaginary and misleading costs offered by these sites, which are often used as excuses to proceed with the theft of personal data.

Scams also evolve in other forms such as infected files sent by email or the installation of ransomware software pushing the victim to pay an amount defined by the hacker for the unlocking of the computer. The authorities recorded a total of 423,000 victims over the year 2021 according to the report “Insecurity and delinquency in 2021: statistical assessmentfrom the Ministry of the Interior. A number up 15% over one year.

Measures exist to denounce these fraudulent practices. You can contact the Chronopost service by adding a copy of the fraudulent email to the following address: [email protected] and the fraudulent sites on A telecomplaint service is also made available by the Ministry of the Interior to facilitate the filing of a pre-complaint for credit card fraud.

SEE ALSO – Dany Boon victim of a multi-million euro scam in Ireland

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