the return of Cupid to our warehouses

by time news

Valentine’s Day – as we know – is the most romantic day of the year: between candlelit dinners, gifts, flowers and chocolates, lovers from all over the world celebrate their love. However, it’s not always all rosy, breaking the mood can be a matter of a moment! A famous saying goes “if they are roses they will bloom”, but… what happens if they are not? Our special correspondent Cupid returned to our logistics centers again this year to find the best (or worst) nightmare dating stories and launch the challenge to the latest disaster date! Our employees did not hold back, sharing their romantic misadventures. The prize? A dinner for two, with the hope that it will lead to a happy ending, even if only culinary.

Between gaffes and unbridgeable incompatibilities, there are many stories that our employees have shared with Cupid to try to win the challenge!

The stories of our employees
Giulia, for example, had organized a date with a boy she met on a dating app, in which she had specified her preference for men with beards. Although she had many suspicions about her companion’s excessive use of photo editing, Giulia had decided to ignore the alarm bells and still give him a chance. The date was going well until, right at the moment of the kiss, the boy’s beard was left in Giulia’s hand… it was fake. On the other hand, as we know, sooner or later all problems come to a head!

Sometimes, however, a little “white lie” could save a date: Andrea, for example, had organized a romantic afternoon with a girl, suggesting a walk in the center and an ice cream. At her suggestion that they go to an ice cream shop he knew, Andrea commented on how terrible he thought their ice cream was. After a pause that was a little too long, his companion declared “it’s actually my father’s shop…”. Curtain.

We can’t talk about dating without touching on the eternal dilemma of who should pay. The rule is that whoever invites chooses the restaurant and pays for dinner. Giovanna, however, knows well that this is not always the case: on Valentine’s Day her companion, who she had recently been seeing, had organized the evening in a restaurant. Once they arrived at the cash register for the bill, Giovanna offered to pay for both of them, expecting a gesture of courtesy which however did not arrive. Her “Valentino” in fact willingly accepted the proposal and, leaving the restaurant, she added “but next time we’ll do it Roman style!”. Needless to say, the “next time” never happened.

Judging by Camilla’s story, there shouldn’t have been a “second chance” for her either after the nightmare date she was the protagonist of. After she had been dating a boy for some time, one evening he had proposed to her to come to her cousin’s birthday party. Camilla had willingly accepted her invitation and she had immediately settled in very well, taking a seat between her companion and the birthday girl, although right nearby there was an open door that let in a cold draft. After a few minutes, our Camilla started to feel unwell until… she vomited right on the unfortunate birthday girl! However, all this did not stop her “Romeo” from asking her for a new meeting! We could say that “Amor Vincit Omnia”, vomit included.

What Omar experienced was not exactly a “magical” appointment! His suitor was handsome, tall and dark-haired, just the way he likes it; The dinner was going really well until her suitor confessed that he believed in magic and had cast a love spell on his ex by cutting a lock of his hair while he slept. Our Omar had nothing left to do but pretend to go to the bathroom, rush to the cash register without being seen, pay his share and run away, blocking the self-styled “magician” on all social media and thus escaping the spell!

In certain situations we would like to have a magic wand to suddenly disappear! Nadia knows this very well that, at the age of 13, she experienced her disaster date with an unexpected guest. Our Nadia had in fact sent a letter to the boy she had had a crush on for some time, specifying the time and place of the appointment. When she arrived on site, however, she didn’t find her Romeo but her father complete with a box of chocolates!

The challenge at the last appointment ended with Cupid’s decisive vote, which overturned the jury’s decision. The dinner for two was won by Andrea, who also received the wise advice to stay away from ice cream parlors!

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