the revolt of the left-wing departments against the restriction of access to social benefits

by time news

2023-12-21 01:49:44
Stéphane Troussel, Socialist Party president of the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council, in his office, in Bobigny, in May 2023. JOEL SAGET / AFP

Lot opened the slingshot. “It was a cry from the heart this morning…”, confides Serge Rigal, various left-wing president of the Lot departmental council. Revolted by the adoption, Tuesday, December 19, of the “immigration” law, he made it known on Wednesday morning that he refused “to apply national preference”.

Read also: Live, “immigration” law: Emmanuel Macron believes that the text is “the shield that we were missing” and refutes any “ideological victory” of the RN

Article 19 of the voted text provides that to benefit from the personalized autonomy allowance (APA), paid by the departments, a foreigner must now prove at least five years of residence or two and a half years of contributions. However, Mr. Rigal refuses to make a difference between the French and the others. “This helphe justifies, is assigned to dependent people who are at home and cannot feed themselves, get up or wash if we are not there to assist them. »

Thirty-two left-wing departments in turn published a joint press release on Wednesday afternoon to denounce the newly voted text as “a shame for our human rights country. » They refuse, they write, “the application of the aspect concerning the APA of this law inspired by the extreme right, carried by an executive which claimed to embody moderation and which is now nothing more than the illustration of compromise”.

The president of Seine-Saint-Denis, Stéphane Troussel (Socialist Party), wrote, Wednesday morning, to the agents of his community to tell them that the benefits will be paid “under the same conditions as today, to all inhabitants of Seine-Saint-Denis, whatever their origin or nationality”.

Mr. Troussel denounces a law “which draws a legal boundary between the French and legally resident foreigners, which returns to the law of the land and which ultimately returns to what the Republic has always been for more than two centuries. » In Loire-Atlantique, Michel Ménard, also a socialist, is on the same line. And hope that “the Constitutional Council will invalidate the most villainous provisions” of the law.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Immigration” law: measures likely to be censored by the Constitutional Council

“Paris will not practice national preference”

Following them, Anne Hidalgo, socialist mayor of Paris, announced to Agence France-Presse on Wednesday that her city, also a department, was joining the rebels. “We will apply the rights and constitutional principles of our country. The City of Paris will not practice national preference for our seniors with regard to APA”she declared, judging the law “shameful”.

Others are not on the same wavelength. At the head of the Eure department, Alexandre Rassaërt, from the right and close to the Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu, welcomed the adoption of the law on X. “This strengthening of migration policy is consistent with the will of the French and the national interest”, he tweeted. For his part, president of Les Républicains de l’Essonne, François Durovray recalls that “we are in a state of law and [qu’]a department is not an autonomous republic. Whatever one thinks, the law is the law. It must apply.”

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