“The right to health is the same for all and first and foremost for those who are most in social and health difficulty”

by time news

Ahen the legislative elections were held in a tense climate, people suffering from crack addiction risk being sacrificed on the altar of petty electoral calculations. In fact, for months now, several hundred drug users, mainly crack users, have been confined in conditions unworthy of a developed country, in deplorable health, safety and “housing” conditions, and relegated in a no man’s land bordered by a wall which constitutes the symbol of all the policy towards them: confinement.

It must be clearly remembered that these people first and foremost need care and social support, whatever the extent of their difficulties. France prides itself on having a health system based on solidarity and support for the most disadvantaged. This solidarity, which is the basis of our health system, is all the more essential when situations are more difficult.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The government blocks the project for a center for drug addicts in the 16th arrondissement of Paris

We are forced to recall these obvious truths at a time when intolerance is publicly expressed to call into question a care center for drug users in Chardon-Lagache, in the 16e district of Paris. This project was developed by two experienced associations with the support of a university hospital service, in consultation with the Paris City Hall and the regional health agency.

A denial of care opposed by the political class

Opponents argue for months, if not years, any solution to make these people feel comfortable. However, effective responses are known. They are widely used in neighboring countries which have a pragmatic and non-moral approach to addictions (Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, etc.). These solutions are positively assessed by scientific bodies (Inserm in France).

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers “The big democratic presidential meeting should have been the occasion for a debate on drugs”

Instead of responding clearly and pedagogically to the concerns of local residents, several political figures are striving to add fuel to the fire. The former Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, who legally created the Halte Soins Addictions (HSA) torpedoes them today by pure electoral demagogy of circumstance.

In the middle of the election period, the Minister of Health and Prevention, Brigitte Bourguignon, [qui a été battue aux élections législatives et va quitter le ministère de la santé], is under pressure from candidates to abandon the creation of this care center. Faced with the denial of care opposed by a large part of the political class, we must fight today to concretely reaffirm that the right to health is the same for all, and first and foremost for those who are most in social difficulty. and sanitary.

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