the right-wing coalition wins the two most populated regions of the country

by time news

Italy’s right-wing coalition in government won regional elections held on Sunday February 12 and Monday February 13 in two important regions, according to the almost complete results. The ballot was marked by a strong abstention.

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The coalition formed by Fratelli d’Italia (FDI, extreme right) of the head of government Giorgia Meloni, the Antimigrant League of Matteo Salvini and Forza Italia (FI, right) of Silvio Berlusconi won the two most populated regions of the Peninsula: Lombardy, the economic lung of the country, and Latium, region of the capital Rome.

After the counting of almost all the ballots, the candidate of the right in Lombardy, the outgoing governor Attilio Fontana, member of the League, is credited with 55% of the votes, while his pursuer on the left only gathered 34%.

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In Lazio, the right is in front with 53% of the vote for Francesco Rocca, former president of the Italian Red Cross, against 34% for the left-wing candidate, Alessio D’Amato, outgoing health official in the region. He admitted his defeat.

“This result consolidates the unity of the right and strengthens the action of the government”reacted Giorgia Meloni on Twitter.

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” Victoire. Thank you Lombardy, thank you Lazio”, had tweeted shortly before Matteo SalviniDeputy Prime Minister of the Meloni government.

Very strong abstention

This vote was marked by a very strong abstention, with only 40% participation in the two regions.

One of the issues will be the individual result of the parties in the ruling coalition, which could have repercussions on the balance of power between FDI, the League and FI.

The League and FI are losing momentum as FDI continues to make progress, according to a poll published by the Youtrend institute on February 2. in the event of new elections at the national level, his score would rise to 29.4% against 26% in the legislative elections in September. The League is at 8.7% and FI at 7%, according to the same poll.

Mme Meloni further benefits from the inability of opposition parties to unite against her. The Democratic Party (PD, left), busy looking for a new leader, is retreating in the face of the rise of the 5 Star Movement, while the center remains stable.

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The Italian regions have significant autonomy from the central government in many areas, including health, transport or education.

The World with AFP

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