The righteous heifer includes a vision of a man who has passed away

by time news

The owner of the torment, Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, one of the most important students of the Hazon Ish Kollel, passed away at the age of 69 after she fell ill.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: At the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, the important student Rabbi Moshe Schwartz, one of the most important students at the Hazon Ish Kollel in Bnei Brak, passed away at the age of 69.

Seven years ago he fell in the Vision Man Kollel after suffering a severe stroke, ‘rescue’ drives performed prolonged resuscitation operations on him, and he was between life and death, by the grace of heaven he recovered. A few weeks ago he underwent complicated surgery and was hospitalized unconscious, where he returned his soul to its creator.

The late was born on the 16th of Elul 5772, to his father Rabbi Binyamin Ze’ev Schwartz and his mother.

Rabbi Moshe ztl was a great tzaddik and a servant of God who was meticulous about light as well as severe, he would pray every morning at the hot Benz in the Hazon Ish Kollel, where he worked on the Torah, every day in Slichot he would come at 4:00 in the morning to pray in the quorum of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Saria Deviletzky ztl.

In all the mitzvos he was meticulous in a special elegance, was famous in his elegance after four species and another mitzvah in being a great God-fearer.

He lived on Hefetz Haim Street in Bnei Brak, where he raised his large family, and despite the many torments he went through in his life, he never complained and complained and accepted the verdict with love.

He is survived by his wife Shethi and 16 children.

In his will, the late Rabbi Moshe requested that no notices and loudspeakers be published about his death.

The funeral procession tonight at 22: 0 from his house at 9 Hefetz Haim Street in Bnei Brak to the Ponivez Chaim House where Whitman lives.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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