The Rimini entrepreneur who challenges the pandemic and opens 12 restaurants

by time news

AGI – There is an entrepreneur from Rimini, Rino Mini, which despite the pandemic and the still present limitations has decided to invest 12 million euros to open 12 new restaurants by creating a new chain called ‘Baker_Eat’. Former patron of the historic mineral water brand ‘Galvanina‘, Mini is ready for this maxi-investment: a sign of confidence and recovery that will guarantee the creation of at least 250 new jobs. “Indeed – he explains – the commitment is substantial both from an entrepreneurial and a strictly financial point of view”.

“We have also decided to open – adds Mini – a real ‘Hardware Academy’ for the professional training of staff in charge of the kitchen, bar-cafeteria and dining room: today, work education and training of young people who want to approach the restaurant world with seriousness and passion. Certain skills, discipline, good teaching, practice are needed: for this reason the Academy will be a sort of college, a compulsory boarding school for both Romagna and foreigners. precisely in order to make the formative experience fully lived “.

The ‘fil rouge’ that will unite the 12 places is the concept of ‘Bakery Americana’, with a note of ‘French Boulangerie’, but all in pure Italian style where the flours produced by ancient and, when possible, autochthonous grains.

The key points of the formula

It will be “a catering formula – says Mini – that will revolve around some key points that are fundamental for me: our proverbial creativity from Romagna, which has made school in the world, capable of grafting the news even on the most traditional ideological strains; our knowing how to do things with the generosity that distinguishes our people; rigorous respect for the territory and for its extraordinary biodiversity “.

Quality food, it is explained, will be “our most effective anti-covid vaccine and the most convincing means of dissemination. In the main cities of Romagna (in addition to Rimini and Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Ravenna, Forlì, Cesena, Savignano, Cesenatico, Riccione, Cattolica) and Emilia (Bologna, Modena, Parma) the twelve structures will offer the pleasure of good bread combined with a thick cuisine at popular prices, so as to become more welcoming and accessible for a large part of the population.

Each room, located in central locations, will be served by free electric and ecological shuttles, to facilitate not only the arrival of customers who will be picked up from the city car parks, but even for the transport of any packages and goods purchased by our guests in the shops. of historical centers, sooner or later – concludes Mini – the stop in the restaurant “.


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