The Rise and Fall of Interactive Romance Games: A Tale of “Done!” and “It’s Finished!”

by time news

2024-01-01 20:53:57
The immersive romance game “Done!” developed by intiny has taken the gaming world by storm with its interactive story and the ability for players to pursue beautiful women. However, its success has prompted other game developers to follow suit and release similar games, with Spark Studio launching “It’s Finished!” with a similar premise.

The game, “It’s Finished!” allows players to also chase beautiful women, and has been priced at a promotional rate of 19 yuan. However, the game has received negative reviews since its launch on December 29, 2023. Some players have criticized the game for its lack of a perfect plot and its low-cost marketing approach, with many feeling that the game does not live up to their expectations.

Interestingly, the development team behind “It’s Finished!” has been actively responding to the negative reviews, with messages that convey both apology and gratitude for the feedback. The team has expressed that this is their first project and they are still learning, but they have also offered in-game incentives to the players who have purchased the game.

Some comments on the game have also expressed disappointment in the current trend of games following a similar formula in order to attract attention. Many players seem to be seeking more serious and enjoyable gaming experiences, and are willing to spend more money for quality content.

The reception of “It’s Finished!” raises questions about the current state of the gaming industry and the impact of trend following on game development. It also highlights the importance of player feedback in shaping the future of interactive storytelling games.

For more information and to access the game, you can visit the Steam store link here: “It’s Finished!” – Steam store link
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