The rise of respiratory infections in children: Precautions and advice

by time news

2023-07-23 14:39:12

Children, especially schoolchildren and preschoolers, spend much of their time indoors and with little ventilation during their school hours, which facilitates the transmission of germs and viruses. When a child is infected, there is a risk that the infection will spread to the rest of the members of their household, which requires special attention when newborns, children under one year of age or older adults live together. Although most of the time RTIs are resolved without complications, in some cases serious conditions may occur that require intensive care.

It is essential to take precautions at times of high viral circulation to avoid serious consequences. Throughout this article, we will explore the necessary measures to protect children and the whole family from respiratory infections and what actions to take in case the little one presents worrisome symptoms.

Respiratory viral infections can be highly contagious, especially among young children. Here are some essential precautions to protect yourself and prevent the spread of these infections:

Reducing close interaction with young children who may be sick or carrying viruses is an important preventative measure. Although this can be difficult, especially in settings such as day care centers and schools, it is essential to reduce the risk of contagion. Encouraging children not to share personal items and keeping a proper distance from those showing signs of infection can help prevent the transmission of germs. Proper hand and face hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of respiratory viral infections. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching shared surfaces and before eating. Also, avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth, as these are common entry points for viruses. Wearing a mask can help reduce the spread of viruses in close contact situations with young children who may be infected or undergoing an IVR. If your child is sick, make sure they wear a mask in the presence of other family members and, to the extent possible, in public settings where young children are present.

Be aware of symptoms that may indicate a respiratory infection in young children. While most RTIs are mild and resolve at home, some symptoms may be signs of a possible complication that requires medical attention. These are some of the symptoms to which we must pay special attention:

Persistent, excessive coughing that causes noticeable changes in the child’s skin color may indicate a more serious respiratory infection. If you notice that your cough is severe and persistent, especially if your skin color turns blue or purple, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Fever is a common response of the body to infection, but elevated temperatures can be an indicator of a more severe viral infection. If the child’s fever reaches levels above 38.5 – 39 degrees, it is important to consult a health professional to determine the cause and receive the appropriate treatment. Extreme fatigue or shortness of breath in a young child may be signs that the respiratory infection is negatively affecting their airways. These symptoms require immediate medical evaluation to ensure proper care and prevent complications. Frequent vomiting in a child with a respiratory infection may indicate a more serious complication. It is important to watch if the vomiting is persistent and see a doctor if you notice any other worrisome symptoms. If you notice unusual noises in your child’s breathing, such as wheezing or difficulty breathing, it is vital to seek medical attention. These are signs that the airway may be compromised and require proper evaluation. Extreme listlessness or difficulty communicating in a young child may be signs of a more serious viral infection. If the child appears very low, lacks energy, and is unable to communicate adequately, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention.

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