the RN and LR will vote on the rejection motion – L’Express

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2023-12-11 18:00:22

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After months of twists and turns, the very controversial immigration bill, emblematic of the difficulties of a government without an absolute majority, arrives in the hemicycle of the National Assembly, but it is immediately threatened by a motion of rejection which could interrupt its exam starting this Monday.

⇒ Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin defends the text at 4 p.m.

⇒ A motion for prior rejection will be put to a vote.

⇒ Ciotti would like to keep the Senate version of the text.

The RN and LR vote on a motion to reject

The ax has fallen. After maintaining suspense until the last minute, the National Rally (RN) group and Les Républicains announced that they will vote on the rejection motion defended by environmentalists. “It will not lead to a dissolution, but there will be a call to order from the government. It is the response of the shepherd to the shepherdess after twenty 49.3”, affirms an RN deputy to our colleagues from the newspaper Le Monde.

For their part, the Republicans ruled a few minutes after Gérald Darmanin spoke. At the end of a consultation, the president of the Republicans Eric Ciotti and the leader of the LR group in the Assembly Olivier Marleix called on their deputies to support the rejection motion tabled by Benjamin Lucas.

The member for Yvelines addressed all the parliamentary groups, arguing that the vote for “the motion to reject in a moment is in no way an endorsement of my remarks”. And to give his word: “It will not be used as such.”

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Gérald Darmanin open to “compromises”

“Who is afraid of debate? At least not the presidential majority. Who is afraid of debate? Those who are going into an unnatural alliance to agree so that the French do not see things moving forward and to disarm our police and gendarmes”, launched Gérald Darmanin from the podium of the National Assembly. And to call for “compromise”. In the name, always, of “the general interest, ensuring that “the government is prepared to carefully study the 2,600 amendments tabled by parliamentarians”.

Darmanin, suspended from the LR vote

From the platform of the National Assembly, the tenant of Place Beauvau also directly addressed his former political family, Les Républicains: “How can we demand firmness and refuse the police, the gendarmes and the prefects the means of expelling delinquent foreigners? How can we make the front page of the newspapers, go on television sets, hold meetings when the government and the majority arrive with provisions to refuse them and finally disarm the police and the gendarmes? How can we knowingly oppose provisions which will allow us to expel or remove 4,000 delinquent foreigners?”

At the end of a speech lasting around twenty minutes, the LR deputies left the hemicycle in order to decide on the position to adopt concerning the motion.

This law is “a red carpet” for the far right, according to unions and NGOs

The government’s bill on immigration “rolls out a red carpet” for “the theses of the extreme right”, denounced union and association leaders, gathered this Monday near the National Assembly. This mobilization aims to “denounce the bill of shame, which calls into question the fundamental principles of our Republic in terms of land law, the right to asylum, the right of access to health”, a declared the general secretary of the CGT Sophie Binet, during this gathering which brought together around 200 people, including parliamentarians and undocumented workers, a few meters from the Palais Bourbon.

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This bill “rolls out a red carpet for all the theses of the RN”, she lamented. “We must stop agitating the theses of the extreme right, we must return to Republican territory, otherwise (this text) opens a boulevard to the National Rally,” she said. The union leader also denounced the “hypocrisy” in terms of regularizations, the aspect of which is considered insufficient. “France could not function without undocumented workers in kitchens, cleaning, construction,” she listed, calling for “full rights” regularization beyond just professions with labor shortages. of work. Immigrant defense NGOs are against a text which “conflates foreigners and delinquents, foreigners and terrorists”, criticized Henry Masson, president of the La Cimade association.

Hot spots in the text

At 4 p.m., the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, who is strongly politically committed, will defend this text which aims to accelerate the procedures for asylum requests, facilitate the expulsions of foreigners deemed dangerous and the regularization of undocumented workers. in certain professions in tension. Several hot points will therefore be discussed. L’Express takes stock in this article.

Political tensions with the oppositions

“There are arguments for and arguments against. The argument against is that obviously we want to debate because Mr. Darmanin says everything and the opposite. The pros are that we are head-on opposed to this law which creates a new immigration channel” with regularizations, summarized Marine Le Pen, with a group of 88 deputies.

READ ALSO >> “The immigration law does not deserve to be examined”: environmentalist Benjamin Lucas reaches out to the right

While the Nupes has imploded, rebellious deputies, communists, socialists and ecologists want to show that they can come together on a “common cause” against “a useless and demagogic bill” according to LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard.

Darmanin does not want 49.3

Unlike the law on pensions, the minister insists that he does not want to resort to 49.3, on this point in agreement with Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne who considers in a small committee that it is necessary to go to the vote to confront the right with its responsibilities .

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Calling for a “compromise”, Gérald Darmanin “reaches out” to the LR on the reestablishment of the offense of illegal residence or the supervision of regularizations. And he promises them a reform of state medical aid (AME), one of the markers of the right, at the start of 2024. He will be able to rely within the presidential camp on the deputies of Edouard Philippe’s Horizons party who proposed on Sunday to limit possible regularizations with “quotas”.

Faced with the concerns of RN and LR deputies, the former prime minister nevertheless considered that the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in shortage did not constitute a migratory “breathtaking”.

LR wants to keep the Senate text

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For LR boss Eric Ciotti, the adoption of this motion “would lead to a new debate on the Senate text”, the “only” one which is “suitable”. But some LR deputies are reluctant, in particular among the 17 signatories (out of 62) who said they were ready at the end of November in a forum to discuss with the government. “Arithmetically, there are more opponents than a majority, since we have a relative majority,” admitted Gérald Darmanin. But “it would be a denial of democracy not to debate,” he judged Monday on Europe 1/Cnews. “It would be incomprehensible, the Assembly would shoot itself in the foot,” added its president Yaël Braun-Pivet on RTL.

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