the RN trapped in its role of responsible opposition – L’Express

by time news

2023-11-02 06:51:16

The shows follow one another and are similar. Ultimately, who will remember it? On October 17, Marine Le Pen was guest on the show Les 4V on France 2. Questioned by Thomas Sotto about the immigration bill carried by Gérald Darmanin, she said: “I am not going to vote for it, because it will not provide additional tools to expel all those who, in our country, represent a danger .” And the member for Pas-de-Calais added: “This law will worsen immigration. It is not a law against immigration, but a law for immigration, as there have been around thirty since 1980, and, I call the French to witness, immigration has continued to worsen for years.” In short, Marine Le Pen will not vote for the bill. Point.

Change of foot, a few days later. Guest of Sunday in politics, this October 29, the frontist boss is questioned about a possible deletion of article 3 of the text. This, described as a “red line” by the RN, aims to regularize foreigners who work in sectors in tension. But what if it was deleted? Marine Le Pen then says: “We could pass the law. […] It’s a small law, with small measures, which improves the situation a little, so we can vote for it, but I will come and tell the French that this is not what will solve the problem of illegal immigration. “Voting a law that we have continued to decry for months is a funny idea.

The RN actually finds itself trapped in its strategy of responsible opposition. For a year, in the Assembly, the far-right party has intended to gain notoriety by denouncing the sectarianism of its adversaries, who always refuse to vote on its texts – so much so that none of their proposed laws has been able to come to this day. Conversely, the Marinists have prided themselves for months on voting “everything that goes in the right direction”, including texts or motions of censure from rebellious France. The quest for respectability is a long way of the cross. Always appear measured, always show levelheadedness. “We have not varied,” assures the group’s general secretary at the Assembly, Renaud Labaye. “It is better to take a small step in the right direction than nothing at all, even if we would prefer there to be ten steps. Our philosophy does not change, and when we see the opinion studies, this way of opposing is rather validated by the French. So there is no reason for it to change.” But can a first opponent – a role claimed by the RN – afford these small compromises on his favorite subject? Even more so if it is ultimately the votes of the RN which allow the government to pass its text.

The leader of the Republicans in the Assembly, Olivier Marleix, has already announced that the group would not vote on the text. At LR, we are rubbing our hands: “The argument is already ready, mocks an LR executive. If they vote for the text, they agree to share Gérald Darmanin’s disastrous migration record. It’s very nice of them to give us this gift which places us in an unexpected way in the role of the opponent!” Another adds: “This strategy is completely stupid. The RN has absolutely no interest in refocusing in relation to LR which will always remain more respectable than them whatever happens. Their interest would rather be to maintain the monopoly of the protest, and this monopoly is on immigration.”

At the RN, we brush aside the criticism: “If Gérald Darmanin passes his text with our voices rather than those of his left wing, there will be a political question, but it is his problem, not ours, assures a framework. at LR, if they are happy to make 5% in the polls, so much the better, we have other ambitions: that of bringing Marine Le Pen to the Elysée.” And too bad if it’s the government that we have to deal with.

#trapped #role #responsible #opposition #LExpress

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