The Rocky Rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines: Thousands of Vaccine Claims Rejected, Creating Barriers to Coverage

by time news

Headline: Thousands of Americans Experience Coverage Issues as Covid-19 Vaccine Claims are Rejected

Introduction: The rollout of the newly updated Covid-19 vaccines in the US has been marred by widespread coverage issues, with thousands of Americans having their vaccine claims rejected since September 12. Health insurers have been reminded of their legal obligations to cover vaccinations, and urged to find solutions to the coverage issues by Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra. However, the rocky rollout has raised concerns about barriers to access and the potential impact on vaccination rates.

Insurers Have Been Rejecting Vaccine Claims Daily

According to a letter sent by Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to health insurers on Friday, thousands of vaccine claims have been rejected each day since the new shots were approved on September 12. Becerra emphasized the importance of reducing barriers to coverage and urged insurers to consider all options to address these issues. The rejection of vaccine claims hinders efforts to save lives and increase vaccination rates.

Vaccine Rollout Needlessly Rocky, says Expert

Dr. John Grabenstein, director of scientific communications for, a nonprofit focused on increasing vaccination rates, expressed concern over the rocky vaccine rollout. Grabenstein questioned why there had been no quality control checks to prevent coverage issues given the months of preparation. He emphasized that obstacles and frustration in the system deter people from getting vaccinated, particularly those who are on the fence about the need for vaccines.

Insurance Expert Struggles to Get Covid-19 Vaccine

Cynthia Cox, an insurance expert at the nonprofit health policy think tank KFF, shared her own experience of struggling to get a Covid-19 vaccine. Despite her expertise in the healthcare system, she found it difficult to navigate the process and schedule an appointment with her insurer. Cox eventually made an appointment at a local Walgreens but was surprised to find that the pharmacy was not set up to accept cash payments and had to bill the vaccine through her insurance.

Insurers Blame Lack of Preparation

Some insurers have attributed the coverage issues to the belief that they had 15 days to add the new vaccines to their plans under the federal CARES Act. However, a ruling by the US Department of Labor clarified that the 15-day window for coverage had been satisfied after the approval of the first Covid-19 vaccines in 2020. Health insurers were reminded in the letter from Becerra that coverage for the updated Covid vaccines should have been provided as soon as they were approved by the FDA on September 11th.

Efforts to Resolve Systemic Technical Issues

In response to Becerra’s letter, national organizations representing private insurers stated that any widespread technical issues had been largely resolved and were no longer limiting patient access to vaccines. These organizations, including America’s Health Insurance Plans and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, also mentioned that they were reaching out to plan members who had experienced denials or other problems in the early days of the rollout. The insurers are committed to proactively facilitating access to in-network providers for vaccination.

Conclusion: The coverage issues surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine rollout have created significant barriers to access for thousands of Americans. While insurers have been reminded of their legal obligations to cover vaccinations, the delayed response and lack of preparedness have resulted in frustration and difficulties for individuals seeking vaccination. Efforts are being made to resolve these systemic technical issues, but concerns remain about the potential impact on vaccination rates, particularly among those who are hesitant about getting vaccinated.

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