The role of ‘false binaries’ in opinion manipulation –

by time news

2023-08-20 15:17:07

The ‘false binary’ manages to manipulate both those who uncritically follow the establishment and those who consider themselves rebels. How does the creation of such fake binaries happen? Usually, they are introduced through the use of traditional media, which widely publicize point of view B, pretending to contest or ridicule it. Sometimes, “leaked” documents are released that support the veracity of viewpoint B as a “hidden truth”. Furthermore, entities labeled as “anti-establishment” can be created that support point of view B, even if in reality these theses can be promoted through independent media.

Once viewpoint B gains a following and becomes dominant, the human instinct for rebellion can be relied upon to consolidate the false binary, further pushing the idea of ​​polarization. In this way, real opposition to point of view A is taken advantage of, thus reinforcing the binary paradigm without the majority being aware of it.

Taken from OffGuardian (

In his 1998 book The Common Good, Noam Chomsky describes the key role that properly managed dissent plays in modern politics:

“The clever way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinions, but at the same time allow for very lively debate within this spectrum, encouraging even the most critical and antithetical opinions. This gives people the feeling that there is free thought, while the assumptions of the system are strengthened by the limits placed in the context of the debate…”.

This remains true despite the increasingly evident fact that Chomsky himself is part of this logic.

What he describes is the “false binary”. The imposition of the idea that viewpoint A is the accepted official narrative and that viewpoint B is therefore its antithesis.

Points C to Z can then be ignored.

The hidden but most perceived fact is that both viewpoint A and viewpoint B actually reinforce the overarching narrative being sold, and both lead to the same conclusion.

It’s an incredibly effective management tool.

A false binary makes it possible to manipulate not only conformists who automatically obey, but also those who consider themselves “anti-establishment”, contrarians or “rebels”.

How are false binaries created? They are often introduced initially by the following methods:

???? Using traditional media to widely publicize point of view B, implying to deny, refute or ridicule it.

???? “Leaking” alleged confidential documents that “expose” viewpoint B as a “hidden truth”. This is usually done through traditional media, although it is more effective if you can spread it through independent media.

????Create entities that are labeled as “anti-establishment”, but have a mass following, and feed them with the thesis of point of view B.

Once Viewpoint B becomes a dominant “anti-establishment” view, you can afford to sit back and let the oppositional instinct of human nature do the work for you, reinforcing the false binary you have created without the slightest awareness of what is happening.

It is understood that the only solution to the evident and real evils of point of view A is point of view B.

The fact that viewpoint B actually admits all the same falsehoods contained in viewpoint A goes unnoticed, and anyone pointing it out tends to be attacked by both sides.

False binaries are a godsend for opinion managers.

#role #false #binaries #opinion #manipulation

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