“The role of the anesthetist-resuscitator is strategic for the NHS”

by time news

2023-10-27 18:44:42

“Before Covid, the anesthetist was considered an intermediate figure between the surgeon and the doctor, today, thanks to the pandemic, people have understood how strategic it is for the national healthcare system. Emergency medicine is a discipline considered exhausting which chooses only out of passion.” Antonino Giarratano, president of the Italian Society of Anaesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care, told time.news Salute on the occasion of the 77th Siaarti National Congress underway in Rome.

For Giarratano the issue remains “shortages of resuscitation anesthetists”, which “are not uniform across the national territory – he is keen to point out – In many regions the problem is in basic hospitals, but without a reform of the territorial hospital system there will never be enough resuscitation anesthetists We need to have a global vision.” It is then essential “to bring young people closer to the profession, through specialization schools. In recent years – recalls President Siaarti – we have recorded more than an escape, a different sensitivity on the part of new doctors who approach the regional healthcare system towards some less ‘wearing’ disciplines, more profitable and which can be carried out privately”. Instead, “those who choose to save human lives, to work in intensive care, do so out of passion – highlights Giarratano – Emergency is a particularly heavy discipline which has the ‘defect’ of not providing for a private, freelance activity” . And this has an impact on the choices of young doctors.

To make Anesthesia-resuscitation more attractive, “as Siaarti we have been presenting proposals for some time – underlines Giarratano – We have been present at the tables of the Ministry of Health and of the parliamentary commissions that deal with the problems of the critical area and emergency rooms. Among our suggestions, certainly that of improving, from a trade union and contractual point of view, the duration of an additional period of leave and financial allowances that compensate for the fact that the profession of anesthetist-resuscitator cannot be carried out in the private sector”.

President Siaarti finally takes stock of the congress: “It was a success of participation, not only for the over 4 thousand members who came to Rome to listen to all the scientific sessions, engage in debates and discussions. But above all it was a fundamental event for training also ‘simulated’ with the use of dummies”.

Siaarti, concludes Giarratano, has “around 11 thousand registered members, of which over 50% are under 40 years old. 60% are women who have grown exponentially in percentage terms within our discipline in recent years. And this it says a lot about the passion that practically drives doctors who dedicate themselves to perioperative medicine, critical care medicine, intensive care, pain therapy and hospital emergencies”.

#role #anesthetistresuscitator #strategic #NHS

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