The Roman pilgrims of Manfredi

by time news

twelve o’clock, September 23, 2021 – 08:00

from Eduardo Cicelyn

Sar because I don’t go to clubs and lounges, yet up to now only once and by pure chance I happened to attend an electoral meeting. I miss the invitations. I cannot decline, playing the part I like best, that of the snob. I also have difficulties with social media. If the future mayor of Naples were discussed animatedly there, not even the echo would reach one who responds more or less to the numerous and incomprehensible requests for friendships, but who knows you !. And then, no academy no mail. Candidates for professors don’t even consider me. Or maybe the unconscious spam on my computer removes certain senders on principle. Newspapers and TV, on the other hand, never miss the daily ration of electoral information. I must confess that I do not find stimulating arguments in it. Perhaps an age problem. If even a slogan or an idea seems to move something, immediately the counter-thought of the evident fatuit of certain proposals paralyzes every fantasy. Polls should rekindle spirits, like certain modern drugs, artificial desire stimulators. I don’t take them seriously, just as I don’t believe in those medicines.

How can you be sure of an emotion if you don’t live it! Preparing it in advance, predicting it and equipping yourself to get more is not a guarantee of success. And then how to explain to today’s politicians that enjoyment is not in the final performance, but in all the uncertainties that prepare its possibility?

Here, for example, I would say this to the excellent Manfredi, mayor already too announced. For someone to be enthusiastic, the desire for conquest must also manifest itself in the dispute with the other suitors. His with Naples seems like an arranged marriage. Inevitable and without promises of pleasure. All the polls say he will be the winner. If not in the first, in the second round. Fervor for around is not heard and not seen. In short, I swear, I wish I could be passionate about the candidacy of a serious-looking university professor with a good curriculum behind him, former rector, former minister, not very political but not unpolitical. It could be a nice new figure to present to the Neapolitans, if for at least a while it manifested itself with clear thoughts in the flesh, especially without the supply of pseudo influence too ministerial to be believed. With the recommendation that if it materializes, like the other afternoon a Foqus, should not lecture on what Federico II means by cultural policy, but simply say a couple of concrete, feasible things. Palazzo San Giacomo is not a university seat, nor a ministerial room. Nor the destination of a pilgrimage between saints and holy cards. His turns in the Spanish neighborhoods, the table in the pizzeria, the four-handed capuzzella caress with Letta, however, are cloying, and the promises of Franceschini in his support of improbable museums, silly festivals and restorations that will never be seen are evanescent.

The electoral tourism of the candidate, accompanied by national leaders who should be stopped and questioned for a long time to understand if they are doing it or if there are, an offense to our intelligence. Where has the professorial figure of Gaetano Manfredi gone, his personal truth, his serious and competent charm? What propaganda alchemy is the Manfredian committee developing by making the candidate’s body disappear from the city scene or letting it evaporate amid chatter and applause from inconclusive courtiers and lobbyists?

If the voters flock to the polls to support the multitude of candidates on the lists in support of the former rector who is not seen and, if he meets, wanders about the maximum systems, it is not so sure that in the shelter of the booth they do not decide to cross on the card is the mayor’s box with a more well-known and popular face. In short, blind dates you never know what outcome they will have. Certain feelings can suddenly awaken and separate intentions. I think the old way that politics is personal. I have to feel involved, challenged and be able to believe that there is a real passion and desire, ideas that have a body and a soul to decide to participate. Am I the one who no longer understands anything? Can politics really only be a business of bosses and customers? And, in reverse, a rant again useless and polished? Do we really have to applaud the show of the monsignor who inaugurates the Crescent by De Luca, as in We were so loved by Scola the good cardinal paid homage to the palazzinaro Fabrizi? In short, if I ever meet Gaetano Manfredi in the next few days, I would ask him these small, simple questions. Or maybe you think that in order to avoid questions of such a boring kind, the candidate prefers not to show himself around without an escort of Roman pilgrims? I certainly know that for his mentor from Salerno alter ego election, these questions and this article would be just a useless waste of time, the usual, silly and sinister discussion on the sex of angels.

23 September 2021 | 08:00

© Time.News

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