The Romanian foreign ministry described Moscow’s decision to expel a Romanian diplomat as “groundless”. – 2024-07-03 22:16:30

by times news cr

2024-07-03 22:16:30

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs described as “unfounded” the decision of the Russian side to declare a Romanian diplomat persona non grata, reports Agerpress, quoted by BTA.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that the Russian Federation has declared persona non grata a member of the Embassy of Romania in Moscow. This decision of the Russian side, unfounded from the point of view of the provisions of the Vienna Convention of 1961 on diplomatic relations, comes as a response of the measures adopted by the Romanian authorities on May 24, 2024 for the declaration of a persona non grata on the territory of Romania of a diplomat from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Bucharest,” the ministry said in a statement.

The representatives of the Romanian Ministry remind that “the decision of the Romanian authorities was related to the implementation by the Russian diplomat of activities that contradict the Vienna Convention of 1961 on diplomatic relations”.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that it has summoned Romania’s ambassador to Moscow and declared an employee of the Romanian embassy in the Russian capital persona non grata, Reuters reported earlier today.

“On July 3, the Ambassador of Romania in Moscow K. (Cristian) Istrate was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who was handed a note about the declaration of persona non grata of an employee of the Embassy of Romania. The measure in question is a response to the an earlier and in no way justified decision of the Romanian side to declare persona non grata a diplomat from the Russian Embassy in Bucharest”, reads an official statement on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

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