The Romanian secret and the ancient Malabi secret. This is the city of Itai Kushmero

by time news


A lunch-restaurant with healthy food and a changing daily menu – it starts with special salads, continues with homemade couscous and ends with a divine schnitzel (only on Wednesdays, so we don’t get too used to it). Schocken 23

Feed (Photo: Anatoly Michaelo)

2. Coffee 51

My favorite cafe that is, conveniently, near my house. A place that sanctifies its beans, which are lightened by special methods (in addition, they have launched a new space for coffee workshops – recommended). This is my place for a pre-service break in the morning or at noon. Ahad Ha’am 51

3. From the heart of Dajani

A place that has existed for about 60 years and has the most comforting and trimmed cream malabi in the world, which takes me back to childhood. My grandparents lived in Jaffa, and when I would go to them after school it was my delicacy. Sderot Yerushalayim 94

4. Eddie’s Bar

I’m Kushmero, which means Romanian origin, and I’ve known Eddie’s bar since I can remember. An old place, a secret doubt and a hidden doubt, which today is known among chefs (also not Romanians) but still has its legendary Romanian MPs. Eddie’s wife is responsible for the great food – a kebab with chopped garlic and liver spread and homemade Ikra, served with vodka sold in grams. There are still places in the city that are connected to their roots. Menachem Begin Road 9

5. Papu Deli

I am not only a chef and owner of a restaurant that operates in Jaffa but I also grew up there, and I have known the Peppo deli since childhood. One is Turkish and the other is Bulgarian, and they have dozens of types of olives that can only be found in the bazaar in Istanbul, great grape leaves, special cheeses and the biggest goose – for an original pink palm rose, specially imported from Turkey. Jerusalem Boulevard 62

Dozens of types of olives.  Yummy (Photo: Sarit Gofen)

Dozens of types of olives. Yummy (Photo: Sarit Gofen)

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