the rooms are already being prepared for the people’s chosen ones

by times news cr

Parliament Offers Aid‌ to Ukrainian Refugees, But Issues Arise

In March 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, ⁢the Lithuanian parliament (Seimas) took action to aid war victims by ‌utilizing vacant apartments in the​ Seimas hotel. A total of 72 apartments were made available ‌for Ukrainian refugees.

Volunteer Support

Several Seimas members volunteered their own apartments to⁣ accommodate refugees. These include Petras Gražulis, Mindaugas Puidokas, Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Justinas Urbanavičius, Viktoras Pranckietis, Jurgis Razma, Andrius Mazuronis, and Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius.

Challenges and Complaints

Despite the good intentions, tensions arose. Some Ukrainian refugees complained about loud music and noise from one apartment, while‌ others criticized the lack of cleanliness in common ​areas. One member of the Seimas, ⁣Marius Matijošaitis, received complaints from a Ukrainian family living in his apartment.

Temporary⁤ Housing Extension

Initially, Ukrainians ‌were required to vacate the apartments ⁤by ‍October 1, 2024. However, the Seimas extended the possibility for them to stay until March 4, 2025.

Future Uncertain

As Seimas elections approach, the future of ⁤the Ukrainian refugees in the Seimas hotel ‌remains uncertain. The Seimas office has not received requests from refugees to remain in occupied apartments.

Remaining Vacancies

After accommodating⁣ Seimas ⁤members who need hotel accommodation, any remaining vacant apartments​ can be ⁤offered to other refugees.

Financial Responsibility

The costs associated with the Ukrainian refugees’ stay in ​the‍ Seimas hotel are covered by the Seimas office.

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