The roots of food and success: history and cuisine confront each other at school

by time news

The school that weaves entrepreneurial stories of excellence in the restaurant and hotel hospitality sector between Italy and Europe. Stories of professionals, entrepreneurs, chefs, emigrants and young people who project their passion abroad to develop new activities related to food, the tradition of Italian cuisine, the management and administration of a hotel, the sustainability of agri-food products and raw material.
The first week of remote confrontation as part of the “Paths for Transversal Skills and for Orientation, initiated by the Professional Hospitality Institute“ G. Marconi ”, in Vairano Scalo, was completed with an exciting result, 215 students linked together with their teachers and led by the head teacher Filomena Rossi. To offer students a direct line with those who, with sacrifice and passion, managed to realize the project or their dream, if we want, in the restaurant and wine bar sector like Roberto Costa, manager and chef, who brought his creativity and Italian cuisine in London, for passion and for business. Then it was the turn of Carlotta Delicato, executive chef of the “Fire” restaurant at the “W” Marriot Hotel in Barcelona, ​​a very young woman who at less than 30 years of age traveled to various countries with her suitcase of knives and kitchen accessories and, above all, full of courage with so many “tears and determination, to move forward and not look back”. The first two stories, daughters of contemporaneity, of the challenges of the new frontier of national and international gastronomy, then followed two wonderful stories of emigrants for several decades who with cooking, passion, commitment and seriousness have created their own small empire in catering and hospitality.
With Tony Crolla, Charmain Vittoria Group – Vittoria on the Bridge, Edinburgh, good food and the culture of Italian cuisine is an advantage only if you work seriously in all aspects, from the kitchen to the warehouse, from purchasing management to accounting. While another emigrant, returned to his homeland, Cesidio di Ciacca, from Picinisco, has realized more than a dream, he has built a widespread hotel of excellence, a destination for tourists from all over the world and a wine company. Involving students with examples and stories of value, emotions and human and entrepreneurial values ​​that look ahead and trace important paths for sustainable development and the enhancement of marginal territories.
The next week starts with Franco Pepe, pizza maker, pizza and its ingredients: the “Pepeingrani” model; Tuesday will be greeted by the President of the Campania Regional Council Gennaro Oliviero. And immediately after there will be Mariella Caputo first woman sommelier in Campania and “Ambassador of Taste” and Claudio Di Mauro, two extraordinary professionals who will talk about wine and the dining room, territory and hospitality for excellent catering. Taverna del Capitano restaurant. A special emotion for the whole Institute will be the connection with a “starred” pupil, Danilo Natale, chef at La Fuga restaurant in France. Followed by Francesco De Santis, entrepreneur; Giuseppe Di Martino, Gragnano DOP pasta in the world, quality in the world market. Wheat, Flour and Pasta: the oldest health chain. Pierpaolo Giorgio, chef of the Seafront Di Martino Pasta Bar Naples. Nicolangelo Marsicani, oil producer and Maria Francesca Di Martino: the secular territory and extra virgin olive oil in the cuisine of excellence. Michele Scognamiglio, Federico II University of Naples, Nutritionist Helmut Koecher, creator of the Merano WineFestival, wine as a cultural attraction of a territory, wine and events, a value for the revitalization of territories. Rosa Pascarella, tourism manager. The frontiers of digital in the management of tourist flows and the potential of the territories: agritourism and wine tourism, gastronomy. Alex Giordano, Federico II University of Naples, president of RuralHack, social innovation and technology applied to food and agriculture, Ninja Marketing, rural communities and ethno-anthropological evolution. Michela Moio, oenologist, Cantine Moio di Mondragone. Mariella Tortora, entrepreneur, from the ancient tradition of spirits to the new trends of drinking well. Vincenzo Pagliara, barman, responsible consumption of young people and the culture of drinking between fashion and quality. Lorenzo Iovino, entrepreneur in the school canteens sector, cooking for schools between territory and seasonality. The program was coordinated by Dante Stefano Del Vecchio. (source press release)

April 17, 2021 | 16:02

© Time.News

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