the “rubbing” inflammatory syndrome –

by time news
Of Antonella Sparvoli

It manifests itself with a continuous pain that mainly affects the external part of the joint. To cure it, rest and targeted stretching and muscle strengthening exercises are sometimes enough

The corsa and’aerobic activity which brings many benefits, but there is also a downside. This discipline has indeed a remarkable impact on the jointsespecially on the knees, which in the long run may encounter some drawbacks. It is no coincidence that we speak of runner’s knee.

What is runner’s knee?

Usually with this term yes he’s referring to iliotibial band syndrome,” he begins Roberto D’Anchise, head of the knee surgery unit at the Irccs Galeazzi Sant’Ambrogio hospital in Milan —. The iliotibial band is a sort of band that originates on the side of the thigh from two muscles, the tensor fascia lata and the gluteus maximus, and then reaches the tibia. a very wide band which, approaching the knee, forms a kind of cord in its central part. Well, sometimes this area can become inflamed, causing typical pain on the side of the knee.

Where does this inflammation come from?

There are two currents of thought about the origin of this inflammation. The first claims that it is caused by the rubbing of the bandelletta with the external part of the femur, the second hypothesizes that there is a sort of fat pad between this band and the femur, which could become inflamed and be the cause of the pain. Alongside the iliotibial band syndrome there are, however, other frequent knee problems in runners. Typically there may be disturbances in the patellofemoral joint, especially if running uphill or downhill, and damage to the cartilage and meniscus, particularly in those who do not have perfectly straight legs.

What are the characteristic symptoms?

In the case of iliotibial band syndrome typical pain in a fairly circumscribed area, as soon as
above the point where the band inserts on the outer tibial plateau (Gerdy’s tubercle). On the other hand, patellofemoral pathology causes pain at the level of the kneecap or slightly below, especially when starting to move after sitting for a long time, while in the presence of deformations of the knee axis, such as “O” legs (knee varus) or “X” (knee valgus) pain felt on the inside or outside of the knee, respectively.

How is the diagnosis made?

The diagnosis of bandelletta syndrome requires a specialist visit, while any diagnostic investigations, such as radiography and magnetic resonance imaging, can be used to exclude other pathologies, for example lesions of the lateral meniscus. In the event that a patellofemoral or meniscal pathology is suspected, it is useful to associate the radiography also with the magnetic resonance (CT scan and ultrasound are not indicated), to evaluate the wear of the cartilage and the joint as a whole. In the presence of genu varus or valgus, it is advisable to perform x-rays of the knee, even when weight-bearing, and x-rays of the entire limb, from the pelvis to the ankle, to establish the angle of deviation if corrective surgery is being considered of the leg axis. For a global joint evaluation, MRI is also recommended.

How do you treat runner’s knee?

Bandelletta syndrome treatment almost always conservative. At the beginning it is recommended the rest from activity and then targeted exercises of muscle stretching and strengthening, especially of the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus, associated with therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs. The next step, if you do not get the desired results, resort to physical therapies such as lasertherapy, tecar therapy and shock waves. Furthermore, infiltrations with growth factors (platelet-rich plasma or Prp) can be helpful. Surgery is reserved for the most insidious cases. Rest and specific exercises are excellent allies even in the presence of an early stage patellofemoral pathology. In the case of varus or valgus knee, it may be useful, for preventive purposes, to perform an osteotomy to correct the deformity, before the appearance of cartilage wear (arthrosis). The osteotomy is a correction of the axis of the leg which allows the knee to be positioned correctly and thus distribute the load uniformly.

February 18, 2023 (change February 18, 2023 | 12:56)

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