The rules for a healthy liver

by time news

2023-10-23 15:04:16

The liver is a real “operational center”, involved, with a fundamental and indispensable role in almost all the essential functions of our organism. It is therefore essential to keep it in good health. Also because the liver is one of those organs that “complains little” and it is easy to realize that it is “not well” when its state is already quite compromised. To avoid this risk there are rules to follow, starting with those that concern lifestyle, therefore nutrition and physical exercise, to continue with those that concern protection from infections that can affect him, and ending with the checks that should be done to check liver function. The main objectives are to try to prevent the liver from “getting fat”, also to protect the cardiovascular system, and defend it from hepatitis, which can sometimes even lead to liver cancer. Or in any case diagnose these eventualities in a timely manner in order to initiate the appropriate treatments, a field in which research has made important progress in recent years. The meeting, which will then remain available for viewing via streaming on, will be attended by Massimiliano Conforti (Vice President of the Epac ETS Association, Head of the Turin Operational Headquarters), Massimo Alberto Iavarone (SC Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Fondazione Irccs Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Milan) and Tiziana Pressiani (UO Medical Oncology and Hematology Humanitas Cancer Center IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital Rozzano, Milan).

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