The Russian space crew is preparing for a new mission in open space

by time news

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Ortyumov announced that the Russian crew aboard the International Space Station is preparing to carry out a new mission in open space, according to RT.

In a press interview, Matveyev said: “The new mission in open space within the framework of the Russian space program is supposed to take place on August 17, and preparations are currently underway for this mission, and I, with my colleague Denis Matveev, are preparing the Orlan-MKS suits that we will use, and preparing the batteries for those suits.” .

According to the information provided by the “Ross Cosmos” Foundation, “Oleg Ortyomov and Denis Matveyev, their affiliates, are supposed to leave the station into open space in a mission that will last 6 hours and 46 minutes, and during this mission, the two astronauts will install new cameras on the outside of the station, and they will connect Additional external controller on the station.

On July 21, European astronaut Samantha Christoforiti and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artyumov left the International Space Station into open cosmic space on a 7-hour mission. We managed to accomplish many things, as they launched 10 small satellites into space. They also dismantled and moved rigs from the station’s Poisk and Nauka modules, and put on the Poisk module hardware to work with the ERA mechanical arm.

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