The sad childhood of actress Minka Kelly

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Minka Kelly

Tells about a difficult life. Minka Kelly

(Photo: GettyImages)

The autobiographical book market abroad is saturated with celebrities who want to tell their life stories – some have interesting stories to share, some think it’s interesting but probably only them, some do it in old age and others when they are barely in the middle of their lives.

Now another celebrity joins this growing market – Minka Kelly. The 42-year-old actress starred in quite a few films and series, including “500 Days of Summer”, “Friday Night Lights” and “The Titans”, but she never really became a celebrity whose name is known in every household. If anything, she is better known for The romantic resume Its impressive, which includes names like Chris Evans, Trevor Noah and the lead singer of the band Imagine Dragons, Dan Reynolds.

Kelly is currently releasing her autobiographical book Tell Me Everything, but is she interesting enough as a personality to get the masses to buy her book? In our opinion – most likely not. But those who nevertheless decide to give the book a chance, will find in it a stormy, disturbing and simple life story – and, as requested, also particularly yellowish. Page Six got an early look at the book and shared a few select excerpts.

One of the main stories in the book is about how when she was 17 years old, Kelly was in a relationship with a man who abused her. Her parents were not present in her life at the time: her father, the guitarist Rick Dupuyhas not been in the picture for years and her mother Maureenwho raised her alone, was arrested across the border for drug trafficking.

Kelly then worked for a living in striptease shows in an adult tape store – and this is also the story that opens her book. “I started with the part that scares me the most,” she told People. “This is the part that I was most embarrassed about, that I hid all my life and that I was ashamed of. And I felt that this is where I have to be the bravest.”

She says that her partner Rudy He forced her to have sex with him while he filmed her with a still camera. Kelly says that she wanted to develop the photos – the store owner refused: “We don’t develop such photos,” he told her. Rudy thought of a creative solution and started videotaping her, then also forced her to do “more daring” acts.

“I barely remember we made the tape. I became an expert at leaving my body when things got uncomfortable,” she writes. In addition, she says that when she saw the tape a few days later, she felt that a little girl was reflected on the screen – not a sexual or seductive woman. Years later, when Kelly became famous, the same partner tried to sell the tape to the tabloids, and Kelly had to pay him $50,000 to stop it and buy it from him.

His control over her did not end with a sex tape – another time he wanted her to tattoo his name on her body and although she didn’t want to do it she was afraid he would kick her out of his house and she would be left homeless. In the end they compromised on a lip tattoo, which she did in a discreet place that was easy to hide. “I became so dependent on him that I let him mark me as if I were a member of a cult,” she writes. “What I didn’t know was that I would spend the rest of my life explaining to new partners the meaning of the tattoo and that I would have to lie to everyone. I was too embarrassed to tell the truth.” Kelly also says he tried to force her to have sex with him and another woman. When she refused – the two began to do it in front of her eyes.

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Minka KellyMinka Kelly

“I became an expert at leaving my body when things got uncomfortable”

(Photo: GettyImages)

At some point she discovered that she had become pregnant by him. Her mother, who had returned to her life shortly before, suggested that they raise the baby together. “How would we do it? With what money, in what house?” Kelly asks. “I couldn’t even think about bringing a baby into the same world my mother brought me into. Absolutely not.”

It was clear to Kelly that the right thing to do was to terminate the pregnancy, which she did: “I knew it was the right decision. Raising a child together with my mother would only continue the family trauma and add another incarnation to too many generations who grew up in pain. Haven’t we already done enough damage?” She even writes that sometimes she felt it would have been better for her mother, who had three abortions before she gave birth to her, to have one more abortion: “Sometimes I think it would have been better. There were times when I was angry with her for giving birth to me. I didn’t ask for all this, the trauma and the need to earn Enough money for the endless treatment I need to heal the wounds. I didn’t ask to get into these complicated relationships.”

She adds: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to be alive and thankful for the opportunities I had, but nevertheless my heart breaks when I realize how unwilling my mother was to be a mother, and maybe she shouldn’t have been either.”

Kelly’s mother worked as a stripper and took her young daughter to the clubs where she worked. “If she made a lot of money that night, we would stop at the grocery store at 2 in the morning. My childhood was colorful, messy, unstable and unpredictable. It was hard but it made me a person who can adapt easily.”

They moved between tiny houses, living once in a friend’s parking lot and another time with other friends of her mother, whose daughter used to beat her. Her stay with them got even longer because her mother went to work in the Philippines. Only later did it become clear to Kelly what the job was: “She crossed the border to bring drugs from there for her partner. She was arrested and went to jail for a short time, but she didn’t tell me about it.”

After that, they moved in with their drug dealer partner in New Mexico, and when she once took his car without permission – he beat her: “He beat me with an open hand, then with his fists repeatedly. He took a cable and started beating me. He pulled my hair and dragged me on The floor. I don’t know how long it lasted. When he got tired and finished, my whole body was full of bruises.” Kelly says that afterwards he sat down and said to her: “Come and give me a hug. It hurt me more than it hurt you.”

After graduating from high school, Kelly wasted no time leaving home in New Mexico for Los Angeles, where she reconnected with her father. She worked for a short time as a receptionist at a plastic surgeon’s clinic – but when she refused his offer to pay her a salary in the form of breast augmentation surgery – she was fired.

When her mother broke up with her boyfriend in New Mexico and came to town, she let her live with her for a while but kicked her out because she wouldn’t get out of bed and asked her for more and more money.

She began studying to be a medical assistant, and supported herself by modeling and acting. When she was 24 years old, she received several guest roles in series and two years later, in 2006, she received her first main role – in the series “Friday Lights”. During the filming she became the partner of the one who played her partner in the series, the actor Taylor Kitschand thereby isolated herself from the rest of the team members: “All the energy I could invest in connecting with the other girls, I gave to Taylor. And when the relationship with him became toxic, I had no one to turn to.”

She also says: “After we broke up, life became very difficult, on and off the set. We were young and didn’t have enough tools to deal with our feelings and difficulties. On the days we worked together, we refused to be in the makeup and hair room at the same time.” Despite this, the two got back together and broke up several times, until Kelly left the series in its fourth season. “I learned not to have affairs on the set,” she says.

Interestingly, Kitsch is the only famous partner that Kelly mentions by name, even though she has dated quite a few very high-profile celebs over the years. Besides Evans, Noah and Reynolds, over the years there were also stars like John Mayer, Wilmer Valderramathe baseball player Derek Jeter and “Grey’s Anatomy” star Jesse Williams.

When it comes to her other romantic relationships, she does not mention names – such as when it comes to a partner with whom she underwent an in vitro fertilization procedure that led to a pregnancy and miscarriage, and then to their separation. “I realized that I needed to find out with myself why I was bringing into my life men who are not able to treat me properly, those who themselves are dealing with childhood traumas from their past,” she writes and adds: “During my adult relationships, I behaved like a scared 16-year-old girl. At some point I decided in a way Unaware that you can’t trust men and it’s best to keep a distance from them. When I realized this, I cried a lot for the girl I was, and it was healing. That realization changed everything for me. Now, step by step, that little girl is learning to relax and trust me. She can leave and doesn’t have to be more responsible”.

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Minka KellyMinka Kelly

“That little girl is learning to relax and trust me”

(Photo: GettyImages)

While Kelly was in the midst of filming the first season of “Friday Night Lights,” her mother was told she had cancer and only had a few years left to live. Following the discovery, the two reconciled: “I saw that she was full of shame, regret and pain, in addition to the pain she was in because of the disease,” says Kelly. “I thought to myself, ‘I don’t have to do this to her, I have to forgive her and love her. She’s already broken, so what’s the point of adding more salt to her wounds? I’m fine, and I just want to take care of her.’ Her mother lived with her until her death in 2008, at the age of 51.

As mentioned, Kelly says that she needed many hours of therapy to deal with the traumas she went through in her life. She saw this book as another means: “It helped me accept the scariest and darkest parts of my life, the ones I was ashamed of. It was a liberating feeling to reveal my past, as opposed to feeling like I had to hide it.”

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Minka KellyMinka Kelly

“liberating feeling”

(Photo: GettyImages)

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