The Sala Nova de Sant Pere Pescador and a shack on the Portbou beach declared cultural assets of local interest

by time news

The Regional Council of Alt Empordà has declared cultural assets of local interest the Sala Nova de Sant Pere Pescador and a fisherman’s hut on Portbou beach. Since these are municipalities of less than 5,000 inhabitants, the competence to declare them BCIL rests with the Regional Council of Alt Empordà. The plenary has approved the two proposals for unanimity. The fact that they are BCIL allows these heritage elements to be preserved in the best conditions to preserve them. In addition, the penalties for damages are also toughened, up to 900,000 euros. Property owners will have access to subsidies to carry out maintenance or restoration work.

LIAEDEN entity proposed that the fishermen’s hut of Portbou be declared BCIL, while theSant Pere Pescador Town Hall he did the same with the Nova room case. In this last case, it is a building that had been the party room of the town, but which had now been disused for more than 25 years. It was inaugurated in end of January 1933, taking advantage of the feast of San Sebastià. Right now, the Nova room is under the protection of the Sant Pere Pescador Town Hall

On the other hand, the large hut on the small beach of Portbou will also be one protected building. According to the regional councilor for Culture, Josep Maria Bernils, this is an “example ofpopular Mediterranean architecture“. Each time there are fewer and fewer heritage elements in good condition and, therefore, it was necessary to preserve the building for guarantee its maintenance and protection In principle, the IAEDEN entity had asked to be included two more huts, but the request for documentation has led to BCIL dismissing it, for now. It is expected that in the future the two remaining huts will also be declared as Cultural Assets of Local Interest.

Once the technical reports relevant and approved the declaration by the County Council, they will immediately register them in the Catalog of Catalan Cultural Heritage.

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