The salaries of Girona residents are below the Catalan and Spanish average

by time news

2023-09-13 06:30:47

The average rise in wages agreed in the agreements agreed in the Girona counties until last August grew to 2.78%, so it is above inflation. However, this figure remains below the average increase recorded both in Catalonia, of 3.17%, and also in Spainwhich stood at 3.38% on the same date.

This is clear from the Statistics of Collective Agreements published a few days ago by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy and which, in any case, shows how the rise continues below what is recommended by the V Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining Agreement (AENC) signed by the CEOE, UGT and CCOO, which advised a 4% increase for this financial year.

Prices go up seven tenths in August in Girona

In total, during the first eight months of the year they have come into force up to 33 agreements in the province, affecting a total of 3,688 companies and more than 33,434 workers. Agreements that contemplate an average improvement in remuneration of 2.78% for this year, so that for the third consecutive month they are above the CPI, which has been below this figure since last June .

In other words, Girona workers have begun to recover – very modestly, of course – part of the purchasing power lost in the last two years, when prices soared well above the agreed increases.

If we look only at Catalonia, the increase in the wages of Girona residents is not only lower than the average of the autonomous community (3.17%), but also in the other provinces. Barcelona (3.51%), Lleida (3.42%) and Tarragona (3.19%) register a higher agreed average increase than the Girona regions.

Agreements signed but not registered

However, these data have some nuances. “All these agreements are agreements that were signed before the AENC. They are agreements that included increases for 2023, but that could have been signed in 2020, 2021 or 2022”, explains the general secretary of CCOO in the Girona regions, Belén López.

The general secretary of the union details that “the newly signed agreements have yet to be registered and published and therefore, despite being signed, they are not yet in force».

“At the level of Girona, the most important ones that we have already signed and which have higher increases are for example that of general trade which has an increase of 4%, that of passenger transport in the province of Girona with 4% increase, that of construction which is 3% and that of chocolate and chocolates which is 6%. These four agreements already represent 87,000 workers in our demarcation”, explains Belén López. In addition, the metal agreement is one of those that is still pending in the Girona regions and affects a significant number of workers.

It is not known what is the average increase that all those agreements signed after the Agreement for Employment and Collective Bargaining have meant for the wages of Girona workers. However, there are data from Catalonia that show that that “the agreements signed after the AENC include average increases of 4.85%”assures López.

For his part, the general secretary of UGT in the Girona regions, Maxi Rica, also points out that some agreements are still not included in the statistics of the Ministry of Labour. However, he assures that “We’re back and we’re continuing with wage increases for very poor workers. With very complicated negotiations with employers who are very difficult to understand how to distribute the wealth».

#salaries #Girona #residents #Catalan #Spanish #average

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