The San Francisco Commission recommends paying $5 million each to black people for centuries of slavery

by time news

The San Francisco Reparations Commission recommends that in order to atone for centuries of American slavery and generations of systemic racism, every eligible black adult in the city should receive $5 million and be exempt from debt payments and tax burdens. These are just some of the recommendations.

Regardless, the committee to provide these persons with a guaranteed annual income of at least PLN 97,000. dollars for 250 years and the ability to buy a home in San Francisco for $1 per family.

“The commission’s task is to answer the difficult question: What must be done to atone for centuries of American slavery and generations of systemic racism that still keep black Americans at the lowest levels of health care, education and economic well-being, and overrepresented in prisons and the homeless population?” AP noted.

She cited the opinions of critics that meeting the demands is financially and politically impossible, because the city is experiencing a deep deficit due to the slowdown in the technology industry. They also point out that compensation makes no sense in a state and city that has never enslaved black people.

“One conservative analyst estimated that every non-black family in the city would have to pay at least $600,000 for this. dollars,” the AP said.

Members of the reparations commission, however, believe that their recommendations are an accurate estimate of what would need to be done to begin to repair the lasting damage caused by slavery and discrimination. They don’t explain how to pay for it.

“We are the victims. (…) If the judge had ruled in our favour, he wouldn’t have turned to us with a ruling: ‘Help them figure out how to do this,’ argued Eric McDonnell, chairman of the African American Reparations Advisory Committee in San Francisco.

In 2020, California became the first state to create a reparations task force. Still trying to figure out the amounts due. The project was not taken up at the federal level.

From New York Andrzej Dobrowolski (PAP)


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