The Sanremo Festival Village opens on February 5th

by time news

2024-01-10 03:29:00 – The Festival Village, a collateral event to the singing festival, will be inaugurated on Monday 5 February inside the Villa Ormon Park in Sanremo (Imperia). The announcement was made this morning in Ancona, at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce, during a press conference, in the presence of Chiara BiondiCouncilor for Culture of the Marche Region, Gino Sabatini, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Giuseppe Grande from Lucania, director of the Village.

To host the many activities scheduled until February 10th, three prestigious structures such as Villa Ormond, the Liberty Pedriali Pavilion and the Flower Museum, immersed in a wonderful park overlooking the sea where singers, institutions, students, entrepreneurs and numerous guests will experience moments of light-heartedness and discussion on different themes, from music, to entertainment, to culture and to food and wine. Many important institutional partnerships have supported the project, including the Marche Region, the Tourism Department of the Liguria Region, the Chamber of Commerce of the Marche and Riviere di Liguria, the Confcommercio Imperia. Like every year, the Municipality of Sanremo will sponsor the Village.

Inside the most important Italian event the Marche they will have an important showcase to promote the territory, the main events, the extraordinary beauty and excellence that our region can offer – commented the governor of the Marche in a note, Francesco Acquaroli – together with the Chamber of Commerce and Anci Marche, the synergy between the main players in the area manages to express a unique opportunity to tell the Marche region to a new audience who will be able to discover and visit it”.

Among the novelties of this edition is the collaboration of the music critic Michele Monina who will take care of the interviews with important singers and guests. Much space will be dedicated to the Marche Region, which will promote its historical, artistic, landscape and cultural beauties in Sanremo.

The Festival Village also means exclusive events, such as the 14th edition of “Grand Press Gala“, hosted by Marino Bartoletti and Luana Ravegnini. The participation of Webboha brand of Mondadori Media and the first Italian community dedicated to Gen Z, which will liven up the afternoons throughout the week of the Festival with moments of entertainment and value spaces dedicated in particular to the new generations.

“Once again the Marche Chamber of Commerce – highlighted Gino Sabatini, president of the Marche Chamber of Commerce – stands alongside the Region and the main institutional and economic players to promote the image and attractiveness of the region in one of the main national and international media scenarios. A great organizational commitment that we carry out in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of the Liguria Region, with a view to support that increasingly enhances our aggregate dimension”.

Like every year, space for cultural activities with a representation of Lucanian students from Senise (Potenza), Sardinia and Sanremo, with educational seminars, performances and moments on civic education with communication and influencer ready to interface with the younger ones.

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#Sanremo #Festival #Village #opens #February #5th

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