The “Save the Kentish Plover” campaign extends to the beaches of Línea • Ecologistas en Acción

by time news

Members of AGADEN-Ecologistas en Acción and the Ateneo de la Bahía collective in Campo de Gibraltar have started the campaign on Sobrevela beach in this municipality. The activity has had two well differentiated parts:

In the first, members of both groups have explained what this successful campaign that has been carried out on the Cadiz coast for several years consists of, giving an informative talk about this bird that is in danger of extinction and the dangers that threaten it that have been on the verge of making it disappear such as: urbanizations on the coast, overcrowding of these areas in the breeding season, loose animals, motorcycles, quads in dune areas, etc. Material has also been distributed among the attendees.

In the second, the area to be cleaned has been delimited where the volunteers in an approximate number of 50 people have actively participated in this beautiful environmental education campaign where they have participated from children to adults. Material has been collected from all type, mainly plastic, bottles, butts… All the bags have been deposited in the containers in the area for later removal by the municipal service.

Highlight the great news that in the census carried out during the activity, 12 pairs of Kentish Plover have been observed, good news for this part of the coast where we plan to install, with the collaboration of the town hall and its councilor for the environment, informative posters to achieve protection effective of this little bird.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the participants for their good work and invite them to future activities in this part of the coast.

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