The scenarios proposed by the Government to unblock the Amnesty Law

by time news

2024-02-02 10:05:29

After Junts’ ‘no’ to the Amnesty Law, the Government is studying how to carry out said project while trying to convince Carles Puigdemont’s party to have its support. ‘La Vanguardia’ announced that Jaume Asens, the former deputy in Congress and leader of En Comú Podem, would have proposed reformulating the crime of terrorism to find a “middle ground” between the positions of Junts and PSOE to unblock the amnesty law, something which Moncloa has flatly denied.

It would not be the first time, in any case, that Pedro Sánchez’s Executive promotes a modification of the Penal Code. Last November, a penal reform came into force that eliminates the crime of sedition and modifies the crime of embezzlement, redefining the punished conduct and drawing up a new framework of penalties that forced hundreds of cases to be reviewed in different courts and tribunals.

Therefore, it would not be impossible for a change to be proposed in the crime of terrorism. Of course, it must adapt to the regulations of the European Union.

What does Brussels understand by terrorism?

Council Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on the fight against terrorism considers terrorist crimes to be intentional acts which, by their nature or context, may seriously harm a country or an international organization when committed by their perpetrator. with the aim of seriously intimidating a population, unduly forcing public authorities or an international organization to carry out an act or to refrain from doing so, or seriously destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an International Organization.

“A new nonsense”

Espejo Público has interviewed Miguel Tellado and, asked about Sánchez’s hypothetical plan B of leaving the amnesty law as it is, but committing to the independentistas to reform the crime of terrorism in the Penal Code, Tellado answers: “That is a thesis that seems to arise from Sumar and to us it seems like a new nonsense from the coalition that governs in Spain and, be careful about touching the Penal Code again because every time the Government commits an improvisation of that type it ends up releasing criminals and putting them in The street. It happened to them with the ‘Law of only yes means yes’ and it is not going to be that with this occurrence they end up releasing terrorists of all kinds into the streets and setting them free.”

At the moment, the Executive has not commented on these rumors.

#scenarios #proposed #Government #unblock #Amnesty #Law

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