The school has become a startup incubator

by time news

11:03 14.02.2023
The website system

At the Amit Ron Arad educational center in Rehovot, the first entrepreneurship catathon of its kind took place this week, in cooperation with the Amit network, the GetIt program from Amazon Web Services, the school staff, the community of parents, teachers and students

During the hackathon built on the aws program, the middle school students were exposed to the world of entrepreneurship and experienced it. with the help of the mentors who came from different companies and different fields; Hi-tech, logistics, music, military, education and more. They came to accompany the students in working on their initiatives and in building a presentation for an application that would answer the problems raised by the students.

A special judging team will examine the dozens of ideas and presentations put forward by the students and the winning idea will be accompanied by a mentor from the industry to continue working on it. The hackathon was opened by Zohar Bloom, deputy mayor and holder of the education portfolio, and Alon Naftali, vice president of the Amit network.

Orit Doron, the director of the middle school who led the day, said that one of the ideas that came up among the students was an attempt to create a solution for the disabled during earthquakes, using emergency sleeves that would allow them to get down in the event that the electricity and elevators in the building were shut down. Another idea that came up is an application that will synchronize the individual hours of the professional teachers with the students who wish to study during these hours with them.

Guy Yaffe from grade 74 shared: “We enjoyed thinking together, there were really good ideas, both for us and in the groups around us. We are waiting for the semi-finals to see who won.”

Gilad Yaron, chairman of the parents’ council: “The hackathon involved educational initiatives and thinking outside the box. Many thanks go to the community of parents and mentors who came to accompany the students on this important day and of course to the educational team and the Amit network that exposed us to this special event.”

Ariel Rosenfeld, CEO of the hi-tech company Disignal, took a day off from work. “For me, this is a contribution to society. In these classrooms sit the next generation of Israeli hi-tech and it is important for me to support and direct them at a young age.”

Galia Kadami, Head of Entrepreneurship at Amit Network: “I see value in exposing students to the way of working in hi-tech companies. Working on an idea, thinking about it and turning it into a significant initiative that can be worked with.”

Keren Shachel, Director of the Amit Ron Arad Education Center: “In the Amit Ron Arad Education Center there are four values ​​- excellence, responsibility, personal example and love of people, which are expressed in three arenas – learning, mutual guarantee and social initiatives. On this day I saw the school story is reflected in the four values ​​in all arenas.”

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