The science of skateboarding: these are the keys

by time news

2023-12-09 21:00:00

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Possibly, at some point in your life you have ridden a skateboard. Now, it may be that you managed to master it perfectly and that today you are an expert at moving around on it or, on the other hand, it is also possible that you gave up riding it because you considered it something completely convoluted y difficult. However, if your case is the second, you should know that conquering skateboarding is something that does not only depend on innate talent.

And the art of skateboarding is a discipline that is intrinsically linked to the fundamental principles of physics, which shape the entire experience, from the moment you get on the skateboard and propel it, to the way certain tricks are performed. Thus, we decipher what are the essential points to understand the mechanism of “skateboarding” and how these fundamental physical concepts are crucial for the correct functioning of skateboards.

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Thus, like any other moving object, the skateboard is governed by the three fundamental laws of motion –those pronounced by the famous Newton- which perfectly define the activity. For example, the first law states that a skateboard at rest will be still as long as a force does not act on it, while, if it is in motion, it will continue without alterations in its trajectory unless a force alters it. In other words: the skateboard will only move if I apply a force or impulse on it and, if I do, the force of friction with the ground will gradually reduce its speed. Now, if this did not exist, the skateboard would continue moving forever.

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For its part, the second law It establishes a certain relationship between the acceleration it carries and the force applied. That is to say: the greater my impulse or the force I apply, the greater the distance I travel in the first moments. Finally, a third law It states that every action has a reaction of equal magnitude, but opposite, meaning that, for example, the force you exert when leaning on the skateboard is exerted in the same way by the skateboard on you.


Consequently, following that first law, the friction with the ground, that is, the resistance that it imposes against the advancement of the skateboard becomes one of the key points for movement: it completely determines the speed and turning capacity. Thus, for beginners in this type of disciplines, it is best to choose floors without roughness and as polished as possible. In this way, friction with the ground will be minimal and it will be possible to advance further with a small impulse that allows you to stay focused on other more important aspects.

On the other hand, the strategic application of cera It also plays a very important role, as it increases the sliding capacity of the wheels, causing the resistance offered by the ground to be less and, in this way, increasing the ease when sliding or even performing certain types of tricks.


Mastering all the factors that influence the movement of the skateboard is a key point in learning to move with ease on it.


Now, leaving aside the way in which the skateboard moves forward, one of the key factors when moving will be to completely master the location of your center of mass. That is, the point at which all the mass of an object would be concentrated. In other words, the point at which, if you were pushed, a solely linear movement would occur, without any type of deviation to the sides.

Well, to keep you balanced on it, this concept is essential: To avoid falls, the center of mass of the skateboard and the skater must be perfectly aligned along the longitudinal axis of the skateboard. In this way, when faced with turns and changes of inclination, the skater must look for the exact position in which your center of mass is in tune with the skateboard, skillfully and quickly changing your body posture.

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Finally, although it may seem like a completely forgotten factor, the air resistance plays a role almost as important as that of soil roughness. The skater must try at all times, through changes in the position of his body and the inclination of the skateboard, to minimize or maximize this resistance, depending on his objective.

If for example you want curb, you should try to ensure that the majority of your body opposes the movement, colliding with the air and slowing down. On the other hand, if your goal is gain speed or even perform some type of aerial trick, the ideal will be to adopt positions that minimize that resistance as much as possible.

#science #skateboarding #keys

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