the scores of the former LR deputies who rallied to the presidential majority in the second round of the legislative elections

by time news

Several outgoing Republican (LR) deputies decided to join the majority following the bitter failure of their camp in the presidential election, thereby obtaining the nomination or the support of Together! for the 2022 legislative elections. In addition to the elected representative of the 5e constituency of Ain, Damien Abad, appointed Minister of Solidarity at the end of May, focus on the results of four of them at the end of the second round:

  • Eric Woerth re-elected MP for the 4e constituency of Oise, facing the RN

It was a notable takeover of the majority before the presidential election: Eric Woerth, figure of the Les Républicains party, deputy at the head of the finance committee of the National Assembly and budget minister under Nicolas Sarkozy, had announced support Emmanuel Macron, at the beginning of February, triggering a bronca in the ranks of his former political family.

Invested under the banner of Ensemble! for these legislative elections, the outgoing deputy of the 4e constituency of Oise, in which he has sat continuously since 2010, won the second round of the legislative elections, Sunday June 19, with 54.35% of the votes cast, against Audrey Havez, candidate of the National Rally (45.65%) .

In the first round, he was ahead of his far-right opponent by only three points, with 27% of the vote against 24.15%.

  • Robin Reda transforms the test against the candidate of the Nupes, Claire Lejeune, in the 7e Essonne constituency

Rallyed at the last minute after his inauguration by the presidential majority for the legislative elections, the young deputy of the 7e constituency of Essonne, in office since 2017, close to Valérie Pécresse, member of the regional council of Ile-de-France, had legitimized his decision by considering that “the situation of the country requires going beyond to succeed in the difficult but necessary reforms”.

Sunday June 19, he won the second round of the legislative elections with 50.34%, slightly ahead of his opponent Claire Lejeune, environmental activist invested by Nupes (49.66%). In the first round, he had arrived behind her, with 31.96% of the vote, against 35.03%.

In this constituency, the left found fertile ground: Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round of the presidential election with 32.41% of the vote. In 2017, Mr. Reda had, meanwhile, been the only right-wing deputy to resist the wave of “walkers” in the department, succeeding the Palais-Bourbon to the ecologist Eva Sas.

  • Constance Le Grip wins the second round in the 6e constituency of Hauts-de-Seine

The investiture of the outgoing deputy of the 6e constituency of Hauts-de-Seine, elected for the first time in 2017 under the colors of LR, by the presidential majority was not to the taste of two local activists from La République en Marche, who both ran as dissident candidates . This did not prevent the MP from coming out on top in the first round with 36.01% of the vote on June 12.

In the final round, where she faced Nupes candidate Julie Barbaux, who had obtained 15.47% in the first round, Mme Grip won 59.39% of the vote against 40.61% for his opponent, thus confirming his re-election.

  • Marine Brenier loses in the 5e constituency of Alpes-Maritimes

She is one of the elected LRs who joined the majority via Horizons, the party of former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. At the beginning of May, the deputy of the 5e constituency of Alpes-Maritimes Marine Brenier, close to the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, with a liberal line on social issues, had, in fact, announced his departure from the party, considering that he had to ” to sell “ to one “blackmail on the part of Eric Ciotti [député LR dans le même département] ».

If she had qualified in the lead (26.14%) narrowly against the candidate LR Christelle d’Intorni (22.48%) at the end of the first round, the deputy, who arrived on the benches of the Assembly national in 2016 and re-elected in 2017 against the National Rally, finally lost her seat at the end of the second round with 42.46% of the vote. The National Rally, which came third in the first round with 19%, played the role of arbiter during this election.

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