The “scoundrel” bill that wants to silence health whistleblowers

by time news

2023-11-27 14:21:36


This time, there is no longer any doubt:

They want to muzzle the defenders of natural health. They want to silence criticism of “any vaccine” or “any medicine”. They want to roll out a red carpet for “Big Pharma medicine”. In short, they want to kill alternative and complementary medicine.

This is not an exaggeration.

You have to read the new one law Project “aiming to strengthen the fight against sectarian aberrations”.

This text was adopted by the government, in the Council of Ministers, on November 15.

All that remains is to be voted on by the Senate and the National Assembly in the coming weeks.

If it is voted as isit’s an end to whistleblowers and natural health on the Internet.

This is why I call for mobilization and invite you to sign the petition requesting the deletion of section 4 of this bill.

This article 4 provides for the creation of a new article in the Penal Code.

This involves criminally condemning:

Those who encourage people to refrain from following certain official medical treatments (such as anti-Covid vaccines or anti-cholesterol drugs); Those who promote alternative treatments that pose a health risk (such as fasting or the ketogenic diet).

This is extremely serious.

If this article of law had been in force during the Covid pandemic:

Professor Perronne could have been criminally convicted for having sharply criticized anti-Covid vaccines; Professor Raoult could have been dragged before the criminal court for having promoted hydroxychloroquine; And for my part, I would have been forbidden to inform you honestly and correctly, like all other journalists and whistleblowers.

A new notch has therefore been reached in the totalitarian slope that we have been experiencing for three years.

It is no longer just a question of prohibiting free doctors from practicing their profession… but of silencing them under the threat of prison.

Worse: with this law, all whistleblowers, journalists, bloggers can be taken to court for their words on the Internet.

Let’s read article 4 together if you find it hard to believe

Here are extracts from the explanatory memorandum [1]written by the government, regarding article 4:

“Today it appears essential to better protect public health and to sanction the most dangerous practices for people’s health by paying particular attention to practices relating to well-being, care and nutrition.

L’article 4 of the bill will make a strong contribution to this by creating a new offense of provoking the abandonment or abstention of care presented (…) as beneficial for their health when it is clear that this abandonment or abstention is likely to result in serious consequences for their physical or psychological health.”

Take anti-Covid vaccines, as an example of “application” of this article 4.

We were told (and we are still told!) that those who do not vaccinate are at risk of “serious consequences for their health..

He does no doubt that all those who sharply criticized these vaccines would have fallen within the scope of this article 4.

And it’s the same thing for “early treatments” against Covid.

They wanted us to believe that hydroxychloroquine caused serious heart problems (which was absolutely not observed in Didier Raoult’s 30,000 patients in Marseille).

Therefore, promoting hydroxychloroquine could have been considered by a judge as a “practice exposing the patient to an immediate risk of death or injury likely to result in permanent disability” (art. 4)…

…and Didier Raoult, who promoted this treatment, could have been criminally convicted.

And article 4 does not only concern Covid, obviously.

With a law like this, Dr. de Lorgeril, a pioneer in denouncing the ravages of anti-cholesterol drugs, would have been put in prison years ago. Because according to the official version, these drugs would prevent a heart attack, that is to say a “serious consequences for health.

And as for me, journalist and whistleblower…

Bazin in prison? I asked the question to the lawyer Me Di Vizio

On the social network X (formerly Twitter), I asked Me Di Vizio if, with this article 4, I will still have the right to write this:

“I STRONGLY RECOMMEND GARDASIL, death is in the list of adverse effects in the American package leaflet and there is no solid evidence that it prevents cancer. First, do no harm!”

And he said, “No!”

So, if this article passes like this, I will no longer have the right to give you my opinion and my advice, even if they are factually and scientifically based.

Because for the so-called “medical consensus” shaped by Big Pharma, Gardasil is “safe and effective”.

According to article 4, therefore, “in the state of medical knowledge”, criticizing Gardasil would amount to pushing young girls to “refrain from following prophylactic treatment” (vaccine), with “serious consequences for their health ” (the risk of uterine cancer).

And this is why sharply criticizing Gardasil will be punishable by the criminal court.

This is one more step towards a totalitarian society, based on censorship and single-mindedness.

In the viewfinder: Thierry Casasnovas and all those who promote alternative medicine

There is no doubt that some want the death of so-called “alternative” medicines, which compete with “Big Pharma medicine”.

Instead, read this passage from the impact study [2]written by the government:

“On the occasion of the national conference on the fight against sectarian aberrations, some participants defended the idea of ​​penalizing any promotion of unconventional care practices. However, this option encountered several obstacles that were practical, legal and constitutional. “

We have therefore not gone far from an outright ban on all speech favorable to natural medicines.

For these people who “defended the idea of ​​penalizing any promotion of unconventional care practices”, we should not have the right to tell you:

that vitamin D has remarkable effects for cure Covid infections; or that melatonin can help fight against cancer.

And it disheartens them that radical defenders of natural health, like Thierry Casasnovas, can have so much influence on the Internet.

Yes, Thierry Casasnovas, the “bete noire of Big Pharma”, is explicitly named in a government text which accompanies the bill:

“The increased use of the Internet and social networks since periods of confinement has accompanied the emergence of new forms of spirituality, the development of ‘coaches’ in all areas of professional, family or personal life, but also a growing offer of ‘well-being’ practices, often presented – explicitly or not – as alternatives to ‘conventional’ medicine. For example, the YouTube channel of ‘raw foodist’ Thierry Casanovas has gathered more than 500,000 ‘followers ‘, for the promotion of ‘alternative therapies’ (fasting courses, vegetable juices etc.) even for serious pathologies (e.g. cancers)”.

For the government, it is urgent to silence this person:

“Helped by new communication technologies, the new ‘influencers’ can broadcast more or less targeted appeals to a very wide audience, in order to divert them from medical treatments. They escape the incrimination of illegal practice of medicine or pharmacy, but their action may harm a wide public.”

The government even ensured that the media could no longer give voice to “medically incorrect” thinkers. Because the law provides for “using the ‘cascading’ responsibility of press law, which goes from the director of the publication to the author of the comments”.

Example: I was interviewed recently in the morning show of the Tocsin media, regarding Gardasil. I said all the bad things I thought about this vaccine.

Well, under the cover of Article 4, not only could I be condemned, but so could the Tocsin media. Suffice it to say that whistleblowers like me will no longer be invited anywhere.

This is why it is essential to mobilize to defeat this text, by massively signing the petition who requests its deletion.

It is still possible to block it, because this text is unanimously against it.

Even the Council of State has expressed its total disapproval

The official opinion of the Council of State [3] on this article 4 is scathing:

“The Council of State considers that neither the necessity nor the proportionality of these new incriminations have been proven.”

For the Council of State, it is appropriate “not to call into question the freedom of scientific debates and the role of whistleblowers”.

The Council of State also recalls that the provisions of article 4 “constitute an attack on the exercise of freedom of expression, protected by article 11 of the Declaration of 1789”.

And to top it all off, the Council of State recalls this freedom recognized by the European Court of Human Rights on:

“the freedom to accept or refuse a specific medical treatment, or to choose another type of treatment, which is essential to the control of one’s own destiny and to personal autonomy, in the absence of inappropriate pressures”.

Yes, Big Pharma doesn’t like that, but in a free society, we take care of ourselves as we wish.

This opinion from the Council of State is pleasing, but it is only “advisory”… and the government has for the moment pushed through.

The government even requested an “accelerated procedure” to pass the law as quickly as possible.

This is why we must call for general mobilization: let’s sign the big petition from the Natural Health Associationand let’s share it widely around us.

If this article 4 passes, we will no longer be in a free society, but a police one.




Xavier Bazin is the author of the best-selling Big Pharma unmasked (2021) et Antivax yourself! Let’s find a critical mind on vaccination (2022) published by Guy Trédaniel.

#scoundrel #bill #silence #health #whistleblowers

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