The sea of ​​the seaside village of Palermo returns Roman amphorae

by time news – Three Roman amphorae, datable between the 2nd century BC and the 2nd century AD, with a rounded edge and bifid handles, were found in the stretch of water in front of Mondello, a seaside village of Palermo, thanks to the monitoring and surveillance activity of the Superintendence of the Sea of ​​the Sicilian Region. The amphorae, which were located about a hundred meters away from the ancient bathing establishment, at a depth of twelve meters, were identified by Stefano Vinciguerra, coordinator of the underwater group of the superintendency, during a dive.

The site, probed between the 50s and 80s of the last century, allowed the first divers who attempted these dives to recover amphorae and lead anchors, revealing the existence of a basin rich in stratified testimonies ranging from at least until the Middle Ages. It was only in 1999, with the first institution of the Sicily Underwater Archaeological Survey Group and, subsequently, of the Superintendence of the Sea, that the investigations were no longer limited to the recovery of the finds only, but began to reconstruct the contexts allowing to acquire useful elements on a chronological, historical and archaeological level.

© Stefano Vinciguerra

“The discovery of the three amphorae in the Gulf of Mondello – says the Superintendent of the Sea, Valeria Li Vigni – confirming the study initiated by Sebastiano Tusa, testifies that in this stretch of sea there are innumerable micro-stories that are just waiting to be brought to light. The diachrony of the materials from previous investigations on this site confirms the continuous shipwrecks in different eras. The discovery is the result of the passion of valid collaborators, who have saved a fundamental testimony of the presence of a Roman wreck in the Gulf of Mondello from probable depredations “.

The objective is to continue the survey of the site and to secure any further findings: “Our activity, aimed at knowledge, protection and enhancement, helps us to discover new pieces of the great mosaic of our history”.

“It is a very fortunate season for underwater archeology. In the space of a few months – underlines the regional councilor for cultural heritage, Alberto Samonà – in the waters of Sicily important finds related to various historical periods: from antiquity to the first half of the 20th century. Just ten days ago, in fact, in the waters in front of Ognina, in Syracuse, an aircraft dating back to the Second World War was identified. An area of ​​great importance with increasing attention paid to research and enhancement of the underwater heritage, strengthening collaborations with national and international organizations “.


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