The Seagull: Tired of Ava Gardner

by time news

Ava Gardner. It was mentioning the name and surname of the American actress of the fifties to start a passionate family debate about the weight and relevance that history should have in one of Europe’s most renowned luxury hotels. The protagonist of Magnolia, who had Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra as husbands, and bullfighter Mario Cabré as her dating partner and lover, still generates passions in the S’Agaró establishment. Virgínia, Carina and Josep Ensesa Viñas, the three siblings – the fourth sister, Júlia, could not be present – think it is time to start looking ahead. They are tired of always remembering the passage through their hotel of the great artists that their grandparents and parents attended.

“We really like people talking about Ava Gardner, but we’re a little tired. We weren’t even born when he came here”, says Virgínia Ensesa. His sister Carina enters: “We want the total effort, financial and family, that the four brothers have made to be recognised. This is not the same Gavina we inherited. This does not mean denying history, of our parents.” Josep Ensesa: “We are a beautiful 90-year-old lady who has what she has because of her career; it was very important, at the time, when all these artists came and there were fifty photographers waiting for them… but now the world is different».

Today, the three brothers explain, almost in unison, with energy, Lady Gaga, Liam Neeson, Jessica Lange or Diane Kruger have stayed at the hotel these years, and no one finds out. “They want to hide, not appear. If someone wants to say where it is, they’ll put a photo on Instagram,” they add.

Founded in 1932, this “old lady”, as they define it, will have a turnover of around seven million euros in 2022 and aspires to be “the most beautiful hotel in the world” on its centenary (2032). “All kinds of people have approached us here to buy. From the most reasonable to the most outlandish. Let’s make it clear that La Gavina is not for sale. We want to keep this hotel as long as we have the strength”, comments Josep.

The board of directors consists of the four brothers plus four of the nine members of the fourth generation. On a day-to-day basis, the management falls to Alberto Depau, who has been running the hotel for nine years. The family council meets once a quarter to decide on future investments – from remodeling the garden, building two family suites or putting in a ballroom suitable for weddings – and then there is an internal executive committee for the topical issues But what is the key to the business? “Be attentive to all customers”, answers Josep. Both Virgínia and Carina say that one of their hobbies is watching customers and service on the terrace.

In La Gavina there are 350 regular customers. This includes everything from those who come every weekend to those who book in advance. The record: a client who has booked dates up to 2027. The total number of potential overnight stays in its 74 rooms is 30,000. Occupancy exceeds 90% in summer, rises from 60% in June and September and drops to 50% the rest of the months it remains open. 90% of reservations are made with the hotel. After the pandemic, the local customer increased, although 70% are still foreigners. First: the US market.

La Gavina closes from early November to, depending on the year, mid-March/early April. “Our client goes skiing in the winter. It does not pay for costs to be open. We take advantage of the closure to make all the necessary improvements”, they explain. Two of the sisters – Júlia and Carina – are dedicated to all the details of decoration and design. “We have never had an external decorator”, they say proudly.

What defines La Guvina? “It is a destination hotel, as are other large family hotels in Europe, with a special mention to the Italians”, they answer. The brothers emphasize that the luxury family hotel has become fashionable again with a customer who is tired of the big chains being so similar. They would like there to be more hotels like theirs in this privileged area of ​​the Girona coast.

In the conversation, new memories. Of Octavio Paz, “who made me tremble with emotion”, of Camilo José Cela, “very funny”, and of politicians like Raymond Barre. History and future mixed.

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