by time news

By Juan Michel Vertiz (@juanmichelv)

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The leagues of FMS have reached their end and only the International for the season to conclude. In 2023/2024 we had important changes in the competition such as the reduction of the battle format, the creation of groups and international transfers. In addition to the creation of FMS Caribewhich shone with its own light day after day.

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Thanks to this, we had the opportunity to see two Mexicans compete abroad: Rappers arrived at FMS Argentinawhile Jony Beltran He was among those invited to inaugurate the Caribbean league. Now that he has finished his participation in both tournaments, a review of his performance can be done.

Rappers He finished second in his group after accumulating 8 points. He debuted with victory against DACand then suffered their only defeat of the regular phase against Sony. Subsequently, they took the three points against Dybbuk and he won with a reply to CTZ.

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In the final phase he did not obtain the desired results, as he lost in the semifinals with MP and suffered the same result in the battle for third place against Dybbuk. Furthermore, she did not place in the top three of the voting for the best fourth places.

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Jony Beltran For its part, it was in fourth position in its group with 6 points. He got off to a good start with his victory against Zakibut then suffered two consecutive losses against Ritmodelia y Letter. In Panama she beat Yartzi and lost with Reverse. After this, he could not qualify for the title dispute.

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