The seasonal basket to print: in April, parsley, rhubarb… and even sardines

by time news

With the arrival of spring, nature wakes up and flavors explode. French open-ground strawberries will be back at the end of the month. It is also an opportunity to peck the first radishes. For our part, we suggest you put two treasures for our health on the menu: fresh parsley and rhubarb. On the animal protein side, bet on sardines, which are particularly good at this time.

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Parsley, for a vitaminized spring

Whether flat or curly, this herb bursting with chlorophyll brings a touch of cheerfulness and freshness to our plates. And although consumed in small quantities, it judiciously enriches their nutritional quality. “Parsley is indeed one of the foods richest in antioxidant vitamin C”, emphasizes Dr. Catherine Serfaty-Lacrosnière, nutritionist and author of “Anti-inflammatory Food” (Ed. Albin Michel).

It also contains a lot of vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting and bone strength, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium… To make the most of its benefits, it is better to eat it raw, in salad, tabbouleh, sprinkled on vegetables or smoothie. The ideal is to choose it very green, if possible organic and to use it quickly, before its first signs of wilting. Count around 1 euro per boot.

Rhubarb, a fruit vegetable to rediscover

With its wide stems in beautiful shades of red, it catches the eye from mid-April on the stalls. Rustic, this vegetable plant that is often cooked like a fruit requires little or no pesticides. Its leaves are not edible because they contain more oxalic acid, toxic for humans (on the other hand, they can be used to make manure, useful for chasing aphids from the balcony or the garden). Rich in fibre, rhubarb improves intestinal transit, balances the microbiota and reduces fat absorption.

But be careful not to mix it with too much sugar, otherwise it will increase the caloric bill: no more than 25 g for 100 g of rhubarb transformed into compote, crumble or pie. To reduce its acidity beforehand, you can peel its stem, cut it into pieces and soak it in cold water for one hour with a teaspoon of baking soda. It also lends itself readily to savory preparations, as an accompaniment to poultry or a filet mignon. You will find it between 4 and 5 euros per kilo.

Sardines, a delicacy at a low price

It’s time to taste this tasty little fresh and inexpensive fish that is wriggling near our coasts. At the start of the season, sardines are less oily than those caught in the heart of summer. But they provide just as much protein: more than 25 g/100 g when grilled, almost like a turkey cutlet. They are also a good source of vitamin D, essential for strengthening the skeleton and immune defenses. One hundred grams of flesh cover more than twice our daily needs of this precious vitamin which is lacking in 80% of us.

Sardines are also full of omega 3, fatty acids that keep the arteries and the brain young. And unlike large carnivorous fish (monkfish, tuna, etc.), it contains few pollutants, especially heavy metals that ruin our health capital. A very fresh sardine can be recognized by its firm body, shiny scales and shiny eyes. It is best to consume it quickly after purchase: it can only be kept for 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator. From 5 to 8 euros per kilo.

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