“The Second Brain: How Your Intestines Impact Mental Health and Immunity”

by time news

2023-05-15 13:55:00

Key Points:

  • The “intestinal” is known as the “2nd brain” of humans. It can work by itself. automatically decide and does not require the brain to command from the nervous system and can produce certain neurotransmitters linked to mental health
  • “Serotonin” (Serotonin) is a neurotransmitter that is produced from the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract up to 80-90%, affecting many functions of the body, controlling mood, including intestinal motility.
  • While evidence was found that dopamine was also produced in the intestines. and is transmitted to the brain through the central and peripheral nervous system to control emotions and feelings to normal

Did you know? The “gut” is known as the “2nd brain” of humans, not just for digestion. but also builds the body’s immune system and produce certain neurotransmitters that have been linked to mental health as well because the intestines have their own nervous system Works without receiving commands from the central nervous system.

Dr. Megan Rossi, Dietitian, PhD in Gut Health in the UK And the author of the book The Gut Health Doctor states that the intestinal system is different from other organs. in the body where it can work by itself automatically decide and don’t let your brain do the work. It also has more neurons than the spinal cord.

The autonomous functioning of the gut is called the enteric nervous system (ENS), a subsystem of the central nervous system (CNS) that controls the gastrointestinal tract. The enteric nervous system is similar to a network of nerve cells. that connect together as a network in the stomach and the entire digestive system

  • The “intestinal” produces serotonin (serotonin), which affects the mind.

Scientists discovered that “Substance serotonin” (serotonin), which is a kind of neurotransmitter. Produced from the intestinal and gastrointestinal tract up to 80-90% by serotonin. They are hormones and chemical neurotransmitters that affect many functions of the body. including bowel movements

It is also responsible for regulating emotions. When the body has the right amount of serotonin People will be happy both physically and mentally. But if the body does not produce this substance (There is an abnormality) is associated with mental disorders as well.

Similarly, there is information from Dr. Samoon Ahmad, clinical professor of psychiatry at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and chair of patient psychiatry. Bellevue Center Hospital, New York City, stated that from mid-2020 to the present Psychiatrists have discovered important information on the occurrence of mental disorders: a large number of mental illnesses. It starts with a malfunction in the intestines.

  • The “gut microbiome” produces “dopamine”, which affects mood as well.

Dr. Samoon said that the gastrointestinal tract It contains about 100 million neurons that run from the esophagus to the anus, about 5 million different genes, and trillions of microbial organisms with at least 2,000 species living in the gastrointestinal tract (bacteria, R. cosmos, fungi, protozoa, viruses) by this intestinal cosmos make up The “gut microflora,” or medically known as the “microbiome,” in the gut play a role in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter “dopamine.”

“Intestinal” malfunction may be the cause of anxiety and

Evidence has been found that dopamine (a mood-regulating agent such as satisfaction and joy) is produced in the gut. and sent to the brain through the central and peripheral nervous system. to control emotions and feelings to normal When our bodies have good intestinal health (Strong balance of intestinal microflora) will release this type of neurotransmitter regularly.

But if intestinal health is not good or a condition known as “Dysbiosis” or an imbalance of intestinal microflora Which is caused by the use of antibiotics, eating unhealthy food, stress, intestinal infections, etc. will cause the intestines to stop producing dopamine. During dysbiosis, there are several mechanisms that can lead to psychiatric disorders, particularly depression.

  • How to make “intestinal health” strong, reduce the risk of depression

In summary, it is in the past few years Researchers have clearly shown that There is a link between bowel function. immune system and neurotransmitters in the real brain They discovered over and over again that Unhealthy diet, sleep deprivation, and lack of exercise. All contribute to dysbiosis that leads to inflammation in the body, metabolic disorders. and psychiatric conditions

On the other hand, healthy food getting enough sleep and exercise Becomes an important role in the prevention of these diseases. The definition of “Healthy food” still refers to foods with high nutritional value. and high in fiber Including avoiding simple sugars, refined flour and processed foods that are high in saturated and trans fats at the same time, it is the best for gut health.

As for advice on maintaining healthy intestinal health, they are:

1. Eat colorful fruits and vegetables as much as possible each week

Our intestinal microbes are responsible for the digestion of vegetable fibers. Until becoming food waste sent to the rectum In the process of digestion, the intestines also produce “short-term fatty acids” which are good for intestinal health. by these fatty acids come from different types of vegetables The more variety of ingredients you consume, the better for your gut health. for example Spinach contains 800 different types of bacteria. Therefore, eating spinach contributes to good health. And should consume vegetables in a variety of colors such as carrots, purple cabbage. Green, red, yellow bell peppers, kale, kale, beans, etc.

“Intestinal” malfunction may be the cause of anxiety and

2. Eat Fermented Foods Containing Probiotics

Fermented foods are full of bacteria and yeast. It’s a natural probiotic. That increases the diversity of the microflora in the gut. The best way to eat them is to gradually add probiotics to your meals. Recommended foods include yogurt, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

3. Exercise and systematize the way of “sleep” and “wake up”.

Diet is not the only factor that affects “Intestinal health” but exercise. And getting enough sleep contributes to a stronger digestive system, according to the Center.control and prevent disease (CDC) in the US recommends 150 minutes of physical activity per week, while National Sleep Foundation It is recommended that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

alsoresearchMany pieces point out that Sleep is linked to the diversity of the microbiome inintestine and when you exercise your body will shed endorphinsThis improves oxygen circulation in all body systems (including the intestinal tract), and also stimulates the body to produce short-chain fatty acids that support the intestinal tract.


refer : Psychologytoday, BBC, ThegutHealthDoctor, Everydayhealth, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University

#Intestinal #malfunction #anxiety #depression

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