Hong Kong’s “Sing Tao Daily” exclusively reported today (13th) that General Liu Yazhou, the former political commissar of the National Defense University of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, has been sacked. After the Disciplinary Committee of the Central Military Commission completed its investigation, it has been handed over to the military law system. The army has started to clean up “Liu Yazhou’s residual poison” and demanded to clean up his “harmful information”.

According to reports, the CCP authorities are thoroughly investigating Liu Yazhou’s harmful information activities, mainly including books, newspapers, periodicals, articles, inscriptions, speeches, audio-visual electronic products and other publications, memorabilia, historical yearbooks, historical biographies, and document collections.

At the same time, the Chinese leftist “Red Culture Network” even published an article signed by He Lanfeng “For whom Liu Yazhou will “martyr””, criticizing Liu Yazhou as a “two-faced person” who regards himself as a “superior person” and calls his thinking “big thinking” “. Criticized Liu Yazhou for being pro-American and advocating the nationalization of the military. “He is a typical careerist and conspirator.” He used unusual speeches and articles to sell private goods of Western universal values ​​such as humanity, human rights, humanity, democracy, and freedom. Fundamentally shake and subvert the ruling position of the party and lay a theoretical foundation for the implementation of a multi-party system.

Senior Chinese independent journalist Gao Yu said in an interview with The Epoch Times today that from Mao Zuo’s criticism of Liu Yazhou, it can be seen that the leftists regard him as a liberalization element of the military, and a pro-American element, advocating the nationalization of the military , Convicted him a lot of crimes, completely in the critical tone of the Cultural Revolution, “Liu Yazhou belongs to the right wing of the Communist Party, but now (the Party) can’t tolerate him.”

Yuan Hongbing, a scholar living in Australia, said in an interview with “Looking China” on December 30, 2021 that Liu Yazhou, as a member of the fringe family of the princeling party, also supported Xi Jinping at the beginning. But his stance changed when Xi Jinping decided to let him retire early as scandals about his sex with a former girl troupe member spread across Zhongnanhai. Since Xi Jinping came to power, he has continued to centralize power, threatening the political and economic interests of the princelings. They have also begun to oppose Xi Jinping, trying to prevent Xi from being re-elected. Liu Yazhou is quite influential in the army, so he has become a representative figure of anti-Xi in the princeling party.

Cai Xia, a former professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, also posted a tweet, highlighting the screenshot of the left media article critically criticizing Liu Yazhou. Cai Xia said: “Liu Yazhou, the second Ren Zhiqiang! The catastrophe of Liu Yazhou does not herald the coming of a greater catastrophe. Young people please read it Look, what kind of articles you have heard about the Cultural Revolution are full of gunpowder and murderous. Do you want to experience the catastrophe that your parents have experienced?”

Cai Xia believes that Xi Jinping used this case to send a warning to the princelings and the top military, which shows that the military’s personal loyalty to Xi Jinping is vacillating. Yao Cheng, a former lieutenant colonel of the Chinese Communist Party Navy, said that the army and Xi are not of one mind. If Xi catches Liu Yazhou, the party might split.