The Secret No One Ever Told You About YouTube: How to Find Videos Others Don’t See

by time news

Tired of not finding videos on YouTube that you liked? This way you will surely see them again: the secret method.

Sometimes it happens that you can’t find some videos on YouTube. Especially the slightly older ones, poorly published and without any kind of hashtag. This does not allow the algorithm to register them correctly, leading us to not find them and to despair. However, all is not lost, as there is always a way to find them. You just have to be resourceful and figure out what’s the best way to “fix” YouTube’s algorithm.

YouTube: How to Find Videos, the Trick –

What should you do to find old videos? Many people usually they tend to use Google directly to achieve this. It may seem strange since YouTube belongs to the Mountain View company, but that’s the case. All you need to do is access the normal Google search bar, and then perform searches normally and without worrying about the results.

YouTube, find your favorite videos in seconds: goodbye to wasted time

The reason is very simple to explain. When we have to search for something in the Google search bar, a bit like we do on YouTube, we simply write what we need. We look at the available results and then click or tap the best result. But if we started to write directly in the URLso in the bar that we see above, at that point we could hope for a better outcome.

The Secret No One Ever Told You About YouTube: How to Find Videos Others Don’t SeeYoutube, with this function you will be able to find the videos –

This is because the video we are looking for could come out directly. All it takes is a single related word, and that’s it. As a point of reference we can take the YouTube domainso that we can make sure that the video actually comes from the red platform. And it won’t take us long to find the videos we’re interested in thanks to this rather interesting feature.

Of course, if the history has been deleted or modified, it is likely that you will never be able to find those videos again. Or if they have been deleted by the author or the YouTube administration. In any case, it is never wrong to give it a try. It is worth trying and seeing if, thanks to Google Search, those videos can be found by some keywords written in the URL.

Have you ever thought of a trick like this? It’s not something that comes to mind so easily, as it’s a very particular strategy after all, and yet it turns out to be truly optimal in everyday life.

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