The secret of the third Stephanie tour? Burnik Newspaper

by time news

Stephanie Williams: “Political foolishness.. and an eye on Bremer!!” ?

Part Two: The Secret of the Third Stephanie Tour?

Ezzedine Aqeel,

We all know that the affliction of the Libyans with Stephanie Williams came in two catastrophic rounds, the aforementioned fought each round – despite the short period between them – under a different job title than the other, however, this difference in the job title was from a theoretical point of view only, because even when she was employed under the consultant’s trick For Guterres, she not only exercised with this cunning function the full role of the UN envoy, but also worked with the full powers of a high commissioner of an occupied country.

As for the adjective (special) that was attached to the Chancellor’s mission, it was nothing but a malicious Anglo-Saxon invention to enable her to combine, on the one hand, preventing the UN Security Council from objecting to her deceptive advisory job, and on the other hand, to prevent her from colliding with this Council, as long as her job was of an advisory nature specific to Guterres. no partner him in it.

However we will allocate This is the second part of this article to address a fundamental issue, which is the interpretation of the secret behind the reappearance of Williams as a new destructive hurricane, and within a third round that is not based this time, neither on the role of the illiterate envoy nor on the role of the advisor who predators the dreams of the voters, but is based on the approach of chasing the Libyans, an organized pursuit. Confidential background and destination, and unknown duration and objectives. Although this third Stephanie tour seems as if Williams is managing it from behind a distant veil, the monitor of Williams’ Libyan activities since she left us with her second departure, which we thought was a departure without return until this day, can only see a close pursuit of the Libyans, so that it is almost Itching their skin, in all the meaning of this word.

whereas This Williams is still deliberately making her appearance in this most recent stage, by practicing all forms of intensive and direct intervention in the affairs of the Libyans, and that is what you want her nose to do with every movement, small or large, that may occur in the chaos of the rubble of political debris that she left behind in Libya, and even to which she is now seeking through her new role to add to it More political trash.

This mysterious intervention of Williams started immediately after she left us after she finished setting fire to our treacherous elections, and this interference is still continuing, and its pace is increasing with an alarming escalation until this moment, and in a close, regular, renewable and multi-faceted manner, starting with its continued creation of opportunities to issue statements about Libya In general, and attacking its leaders – humiliation and betrayal – in particular, until it made this attack a current year on the lips of all foreign officials, passing through arranging activities and occasions directed to dissect the Libyan situation in the way of dissecting the dead, in addition to writing articles designed in kind to fuel strife and differences between Libyans – on The thinness and disorder of these articles – and the conclusion of her maintaining the activity of close cooperation with her disciples, and all those whom she nursed among our delinquent boys.

Perhaps what calls the Libyans more for the urgent need to reveal the secret of this suspicious pursuit, or the mystery of this third Stephanie tour, which is more like targeting the Libyan state, is the fact that Williams is carrying out this latest pursuit of the Libyans while it falls outside any foreign authority regarding Libya?

In addition to the existence of what is more suspicious and suspicious, which is that her current pursuit of the Libyans after she spent two international sessions in their country, is something that none of the UN envoys had preceded her to, not from those who afflicted Libya with their many? Not from those who afflicted other conflict areas?

Since it was not recorded on any UN envoy who left a conflict zone he was entrusted with for a period of time (which was also not recorded that it had exceeded one period) that he returned and was given to that region (without his back) as soon as he finished his work in it, considering that it is very natural As a consequence of all these departures, their companions will be preoccupied with full-time work, either for their retirement, or for their new jobs and tasks assigned to them!!

While we find, on the other hand, as if this Williams did not stop its absolute imperial domination of the Libyan situation throughout the previous two phases, in which it led the Libyan policy in a way that did not amount to even a state of sterility as it left many calamities, and who did not provide for the achievement of its complete domination over everyone in them, not even Using the crime of impersonation, let us be surprised today by her return to work on influencing the piles of political rubbish she left in us for the third time. !! ؟ And that is by fabricating a new, third phase to track us down, and it is very clear that she and those behind her had planned to chase the Libyans through it from ambushes similar to crocodile aquifers on the banks of rivers, waiting for the unsuspecting prey. And that without any of us knowing until this moment, nor from (compars of the regional liver management countries that interfere in our affairs with disgusting disgust) not the nature of her new job in this third stage? And no goals of her authority over us and her new phase?

However, the attempt to reveal the secret of this Stephanie persecution of the Libyans after cutting off all her official ties in Libya, must prompt us to prepare for this disclosure by asking a sentence of urgent denunciation questions, which are: Why does this Stephanie (who failed in Libya to the core) continue to chase the Libyans even after they are rid of them? bitter of it? No, rather, and to pursue this pursuit with this strong and viscous persistence, in which only “Once” can compete with her, that eccentric American lunatic who aspires, “because of the severity of the Libyans’ humiliation towards people,” to become the president of Libya?

Or in other words: Why does this Williams actually continue – after the Libyans have squatted on it – to continue chasing us as the herds of crickets for the wounded prey? Despite her knowledge that her disgraceful history that she left behind in Libya, and her political wreckage that littered the roads and neighborhoods and closed the doors of life from every direction to the Libyans, will she not harm us by her repeated appearances on us other than insults and curses?

Is this lady as cold as ice, (really vacant)? Or that her country’s government has marginalized her and pushed her into a truly dark darkness, so she has become (without work or work) anything but entertainment by filling her emptiness by chasing Libyans? As for she is really feeling the complex of guilt towards us for the crime she sacrificed for our treacherous elections, so she is looking for an opportunity to compensate us for our injury? Or is she a sadistic woman who loves to constantly remind her victims of her destruction of all chances of restoring their peace and stability, with what she imposed on them of political infidelity and an obscene mixture of (conspiracy and abject failure), whose disastrous consequences still surround the Libyans until this moment with all the evils, evils and dangers?

And because when there are no definitive answers based on direct information to solve puzzles and secrets, the urgent need for the power of “evidence” must emerge as an alternative to evidence, in addition to the use of the sciences of analysis and estimation to solve the problem of revealing secrets and puzzles, the subject of anxiety and preoccupation. We will resort here to be compelled to reveal the secret of this third Stephanian tour, by adopting the method of the most likely explanation for the nature of this behavior that overwhelmed Williams’ actions towards Libya in its very mysterious third phase, by relying on a good harvest of strong American evidence that is already available in our hands, far from It is absurd to assume that she has become unemployed, or to believe that she is seeking to get rid of the guilt complex about the Libyans, or the illusion of marginalization by the American authority, or to justify her suffering from sadism, which makes its owner enjoy the torture and torment of others. !!

The legitimacy of this interpretive approach, which we will resort to, is due to the strength and intensity of the blatant American evidence presented to us by the CIA itself in this regard, which it included on the covers of the book “Legacy of Ashes.” It is a book written by the famous American journalist Tim Weiner, who worked as a correspondent for the New York Times specialized in pursuing the activities of the CIA. CIA For more than 20 years without interruption, and even what was used by the “CIA” without his knowledge, in many operations of “employment leakage” of secrets by using methods that did not make him feel not once – as he said – that he was being used to create the appropriate environment through what is being leaked to commit American political crimes in different parts of the world. On the contrary, those leaks always made him feel – and with every intelligence penetration that is being done through him – that God had actually honored him by obtaining a great journalistic scoop that he deserves to be proud of. Senior American thinkers and opinion leaders, and even Westerners among them, considered that the book “Legacy from Ashes” is one of the best and most honest American documented publications over the past three decades.

As for what concerns us about that book in this regard, it is the confirmation of the irrefutable documents on which it is based, which are more than “fifty thousand documents” of the CIA documents that were declassified, and which cover more than four decades that preceded the publication of the book, an absolute confirmation that the recruitment of intelligence The American diplomats of her country, especially those coming from conflict zones, or from enemy or even friendly countries that the United States classifies as sensitive countries because of the nature of its vital interests in them, but it is considered, for many decades, one of the most important espionage arms that the CIA extends across the world to catch With all the threads that extend between Washington and all the countries that the latter consider important to their interests, or that they pose a threat to these interests.

Indeed, this book presents the names of all American diplomats who practiced direct espionage on behalf of the CIA, “whom we referred to above as our strong and reliable evidence in this analysis that we are engaged in.” Rather, the book “Legacy from Ashes” not only provided the names of the American diplomats concerned with the intelligence recruitment in an abstract and direct manner, but also provided all the details of their connections contained in the declassified documents, and related to their deliberate commission of striking and destroying everyone whom their country tells them that he poses a threat to its interests. Containing and pampering all those who constitute cold and peace on these interests until they burn and become unfit for their workers. Rather, that book was also revealed by its narration of the stories of those American diplomats that make children grey, even the names of the victim countries and the historical periods in which they worked, as well as the names of the local agents who worked for them, and the names of the American political, military and civilian cadres who participated with them or worked with them in implementation. their secret missions.

However, the most important thing that this recruitment was based on, which seems very clear that Williams is today cloning and tracing. It is the appointment of most of these diplomats (who are considered by the agency as experienced experts in the areas in which they worked) as “directors of the CIA stations in the countries from which they returned,” in order to carry out all espionage operations and gather information, and carry out coups, assassinations and necessary sabotage operations, and ignite uprisings, and lead disinformation operations. Brainwashing, undermining trust between the actors themselves on the one hand, and between them and their communities on the other hand, igniting strife and fueling conflicts, in addition to undertaking the tasks of making local leaders for Washington, destroying opposing leaders, and carrying out espionage recruitment at all political, military, security, social, partisan and journalistic levels. Establishing pressure groups, forming and installing presidents and governments, establishing parties and non-governmental organizations, containing, recruiting and neutralizing trade union leaders, establishing links with mafias and organized crime barons, and achieving manipulation of local partisan, tribal and regional leaders with whom the concerned American diplomat had previously had various connections during period of his work on their land .

Those of you who want to ascertain the horror of this American reality, and its complete conformity with the nature of what Williams is doing in this third phase, can give alms for a few hours or days of his time to perform the “duty of awareness”, during which he reads this frightening book and the nature of the horrific documents on which it was built.

Accordingly, Williams is completely devoted to directing her third round of intrusion into the lives of Libyans by chasing them at an organized professional pace based on continuing her statements about their crisis, undermining trust between the authority and society, and sustaining her communication with government actors, partisans, activists, and leaders of sensitive sectors, and perhaps her establishment and financing of various entities that we still do not know, and her continuation in writing The individual and joint articles are stable, and their organization of workshops and seminars on sensitive Libyan issues, which, according to the book – A Legacy of Ashes – is a professional and direct tracing and an accurate reproduction of the duties and behavior of those American diplomats who led intelligence stations for CIA In different parts of the world, it cannot be considered or viewed as a trace or reproduction that came by pure chance, except by “an idiot, or a minor child.”

Especially when the tracers of those intelligence diplomats, or the clones of their behavior, are an American diplomat, returning from an armed conflict country that Washington considers very important to its vital interests that go back to the days of the “Four Years War and the Philadelphia ship,” and “The History of the Seven American Petroleum Sisters,” and “ Howells base is the largest outside America” and “Gulf of Sirte”, and at the time when this Williams is also, she did not leave the service in her country’s government, nor did she enjoy any official job in Libya, nor was she affiliated with any international or regional non-governmental organization, she could To justify the continuation of its persecution of the Libyans in this cursed image !!

Thus, we have no objective and high-probability explanation left for Williams’ focus on directing all this attention to the Libyans, and her complete devotion to chasing them day and night to such a close extent, and at this stage or the third pursuit of mysterious and unknown goals, other than the growing idea of ​​her appointment as “head of the station.” CIA in Lybia” .

And for the rest,

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