The Secret Operation to Rescue Uri Magidish from Hamas Captivity

by time news

Title: Behind the Scenes of Private Uri Magidish’s Remarkable Rescue Operation

New details have emerged about the recent rescue operation of Private Uri Magidish, the observer from the Nahal Oz base who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7th. With caution not to jeopardize the rescue of other hostages, further information about the operation, known as “Rishit Ha’or,” has been disclosed.

According to sources familiar with the matter, a signal indicating a window of opportunity for the rescue was detected more than 48 hours prior to the operation. The ground operation that had begun over the weekend triggered movements and intelligence signals within Gaza. Senior officials recognized the need to act swiftly to ensure Uri’s location and the feasibility of conducting a successful operation.

On the night between Saturday and Sunday, the Chief of Staff and the head of the Shin Bet approved the operational plan, giving the green light for the mission. Meanwhile, the name “Rishit Ha’or” was chosen by the Shin Bet for the operation.

At the special operations center of the Shin Bet, individuals responsible for managing the event gathered. However, just moments before commencing, they received dramatic information that caused Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar to halt everything.

The nature of the information remains undisclosed, but it is presumed to have posed a significant threat to the operation. A rapid evaluation of the situation was carried out, resulting in adjustments to the initial plan, and a decision to proceed immediately.

The Shin Bet’s operational unit, supported by IDF fighters and special units, commenced their mission. A senior official emphasized the crucial role played by the ongoing ground maneuvers, stating that such an operation would have been impossible without the presence of forces in the Strip.

As the team reached the vicinity of Uri’s captivity, a sudden interruption in communication occurred, leaving those involved in suspense. Fortunately, moments later, a connection was reestablished, and it was confirmed that Uri was safe and in good health. A phone call from the Shin Bet’s operational unit to the field relayed the message, “Ori, everything is fine. We came to bring you home.”

Following her release after 24 days in captivity, Uri Magidish was taken to the Shin Bet facility for questioning. During her interview, she provided critical information that could potentially aid in the rescue of other abductees.

While the IDF and the Shin Bet remain hopeful that the ongoing ground maneuvers will present further opportunities for successful rescues, officials concede that Uri’s operation was exceptional. Rescuing all hostages in a similar manner may prove impractical.

In this extraordinary tale of bravery and precision, Private Uri Magidish’s rescue stands as a remarkable example of the Israeli security forces’ unwavering determination to bring their captive soldiers back home.

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