The security deterioration: Riots in Hawara – Shoafat checkpoint opens • The Jewish Voice

by time news

After a night of riots and terror in East Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, this morning the police lifted the blockade that had been imposed on the Shuafat “refugee camp” since the attack on Saturday night, and opened the checkpoint to the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.

As a reminder, in the shooting attack on Saturday night at the Shuafat checkpoint, soldier Noa Lazar of the 14th was murdered, and another security guard was very seriously injured. The terrorist, Udai Tamimi, has not yet been caught, and according to estimates, he is still hiding inside Shuafat.

The attacks in Jerusalem also included live shooting, throwing explosive devices, Molotov cocktails, shooting fireworks and throwing stones. In Issawiya, two police officers were injured, according to the police spokeswoman, apparently as a result of IEDs thrown by Arabs.

In Tzur Bahar it was reported that Arabs opened fire on policemen. In Beit Hanina, a Jewish family was attacked while driving on the main road towards Sderot Begin. Arabs blinded them with a laser and stoned them. Heavy damage was caused to the car and a large stone hit the baby seat, but miraculously the baby was not hurt.

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On the Mount of Olives, a shuttle bus was attacked with Molotov cocktails and heavy fireworks by Arabs. Also, the vehicle of the mayor Moshe Leon, who came to visit the Mount of Olives, was stoned and his windshield was smashed.

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Attacks were recorded throughout the night in Ras al-Amud, A-Tor, Shuafat, Issawiya, Silwan, Beit Hanina and more.

As mentioned, this morning, the police decided in “response” to the riots to open the exit from Shoafat, and in fact to cancel the blockade imposed on the place with the aim of catching the terrorist.

We note that it is estimated that the riots will continue tonight as well, and at the time of publication of the article it was already reported on a number of locations where the riots have resumed.

The main security preparation is for tomorrow, when the Arabs announced that they will hold a “Day of Rage”, and there is a serious fear of outbreaks of riots in other places. The calls for a Day of Rage were joined by the Hirak al Fahmawi movement, which was at the center of the Jewish Voice investigation as a movement that was responsible for many of the riots in the Tashfa events during the Wall Guardian operation.

The riots in Hawara

Meanwhile, the terrorist attacks also continued throughout Judea and Samaria. During the last day, it was reported that shooting was carried out at the Qalandiya checkpoint in Binyamin, at the Gilboa crossing in northern Samaria, at the IDF post at Mount Gerizim (Tel a-Ras), as well as at soldiers and representatives from the Samaria Regional Council who entered Yosef’s tomb tonight.

In addition to the shooting incidents, dozens more incidents of stones and Molotov cocktails being thrown at Jewish vehicles on roads in Judea and Samaria and past several settlements were reported to the Jewish Voice’s silent intifada diary.

In Hawara, following a severe riot by dozens of Arabs, which caused damage to several vehicles, an injury to a child, and several children who were affected by anxiety, dozens of residents from the area came to the village to protest the lack of security, and confronted the Arab rioters. It was also reported that a vehicle, a building and agricultural land were set on fire in the village.

After the arrival of the residents, the IDF decided to block the village, and for about two hours the axis between the Tufoh intersection and the large Yitzhar intersection was blocked to travel in all directions.

We note that today’s riots in Hawara did not come in a vacuum. In recent days with the beginning of the harvest season, the “Palestinian Authority” through the “Committee Against Fences and Settlements”, about which we published an extensive investigation in the Jewish Voice, began the annual “Pazaa” campaign, which takes advantage of the olive harvesters and, under the guise of innocent farmers, engages in violent provocations throughout Judea and Samaria .

Despite a warning in advance, given to the security system already yesterday, the arrival of the provocateurs and Israeli and foreign extreme left-wing anarchists to the village was not prevented. In the past, we have exposed in the Jewish Voice a number of cases of supposedly innocent farmers who came to helicopter olives, who in fact turned out to be known provocateurs and even as freed terrorists who created violent riots.

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