The security forces are on high alert for Yom Kippur

by time news

Against the background of the security tensions of the last few weeks, and the increase in the number of shooting attacks, the Jerusalem District of the Israel Police will increase its activities to maintain security and public order in preparation for the central prayers of Yom Kippur. In view of the expected arrival of many to the city and in particular to the city center and the Western Wall – the Israel Police these days increased its activity in the area and in particular around the old city and its alleys, in the city center, at the axes of worshipers’ movement and at the Western Wall.

As part of the increased preparation of the Jerusalem district, police officers, security forces and many volunteers will be deployed throughout the city, with an emphasis on crowded places, and police presence and activity will be increased during these days.

Crowds at the central Pardon rally

Last night, (Sunday), the eve of Yom Kippur, Israel, tens of thousands came to the main prayer stand in the Western Wall plaza, starting from the early evening hours until the peak during the main stand in the Western Wall plaza, the balconies and the surrounding alleys.

The class was held in the presence of the chief rabbis of Israel, the first to commemorate Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef Shalita and Rabbi David Lau Shalita, Rabbi of the Western Wall and the Holy Places Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shalita, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, CEO of the Mordechai Western Wall Heritage Fund (Soli) Eliav, rabbis, public figures and a large crowd.

The chief rabbis at the Salihot assembly Photo: The Western Wall Heritage Foundation

On behalf of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, it was announced that this is the peak class of the period of mercy and forgiveness, which took place as part of 14 major classes that took place throughout the month of Elul and the ten days of repentance, accompanied by a cantor and a gabrah. This is in order to spread the burdens and allow the general public to go up to Jerusalem and join the forgiving classes throughout the period. Also, over a million people came to pray at the Western Wall and participate in prayers in the Western Wall plaza throughout the month of Elul and the ten days of repentance.

The preparation of the police for the eve and Yom Kippur of Israel and changes in the traffic regulations:

The Israel Police, with the assistance of the Jerusalem Municipality, will deploy roadblocks on main roads in the city, including: Uzi Narkis Ave., Haim Bar Lev and Darech Hebron, to prevent the movement of vehicles from East Jerusalem neighborhoods towards the west of the city. Police officers and MGB fighters will be stationed near the checkpoints, and will also be deployed in the neighborhoods to prevent and deal with disturbances, friction and violence of any kind.

During Yom Kippur itself, the movement of vehicles towards the Old City and between the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem from the north and south will only be allowed as follows:

from north to south: Beit Hanina Road, Shuafat Road, University Ave., Wadi Jose, Jericho Road, Ofel Road towards the Old City.
from the east: From Tor to Shmuel ben Adia, through Jericho, through Ofel towards the old city.
from south to north: From Beit Safafa to Mazmuria, Tzur Bahar, Jebel Mokbar, Silwan, through the Ofel towards the old city.

Directions to hospitals:

Hadassah E. Kerem Hospital: Begin, Kolitz, Givat Mashua to the Ora junction and descent to Ein Kerem.
Shaare Tzedek Hospital: Begin, Givat Mordechai, Shmuel Beit Sha’atz.
Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital: University Ave., Binyamin Mazar to the hospital.

Blocking the crossings surrounding the city of Jerusalem:

From the beginning of Yom Kippur until its end, the following places will be closed to traffic:
– Crossing the Ring (Castle).
– Rachel crossing.
– Passing Bitonia.
– Hizma crossing – entry will be allowed for humanitarian needs only.

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