The seduction operation of the Macron camp with LR

by time news

First there were declarations of intent. “With the LRs, we agree on a lot of things”declared the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on June 28, on RTL, presenting the group of deputies Les Républicains (LR) as the most likely to ” work ” with the presidential camp. Three weeks later, time for practical work.

As they struggle to gather enough support to obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly, the Macronists are multiplying gestures of goodwill towards the right, in the hope of obtaining the support of some of the 61 LR deputies. Admittedly, the government also says it is seeking reinforcements from the socialists or moderate environmentalists. But “we must note that the LRs are more numerous in the Assembly and that they have the majority in the Senate”observe M. Darmanin. Before the examination of several key texts, the elected representatives of the right therefore appear as privileged partners for a power in search of allies.

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This is particularly the case with the bill on purchasing power, discussed in the National Assembly since Monday. On this text, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, estimated, on Monday, on RTL, “to be convinced” what ” compromises ” were “possible” to be found with the LR deputies. Reporting discussions « constructive » with their leader, Olivier Marleix, the Bercy tenant explained that “everyone tries to take a step towards each other”.

“It’s on our terms”

Monday afternoon, Mr. Mayor made a big one. “You will always find an attentive and constructive ear from us on the best value for work”, he said, in response to a question from an LR deputy in the Hemicycle. Before releasing: “Your proposals on overtime and on the possibility of buying back the RTT are welcome to enrich our text. » During the examination of the articles in committee the week of July 11, the majority had already accepted an increase from 5,000 to 7,500 euros per year of the ceiling for the tax exemption of overtime exempt from tax. A measure acclaimed by the right, in line with that of the Sarkozy years, consisting in ” Work more to earn more “.

Another subject on which the executive says it is ready to accede to requests from the right: that of fuel prices. “On this subject, as on others, there is matter for discussion”, said the Mayor on Monday. The government could expand compensation for those who use their vehicle to go to work. On Monday, on France Inter, the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Franck Riester, mentioned the distribution of a “cheque from 100 to 300 euros depending on the conditions of resources and the kilometers traveled”. With “A bonus” for very heavy riders, those who “more than 30 km to go to work and more than 12,000 km per year”.

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